Page 672 - Poštuvan Vita, Cerce Mojca. Ur. 2023. Psiholog v dilemi: eticne vsebine in eticna zavest v praksi. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 672
psiholog v dilemi: etične vsebine in etična zavest v praksi
the lack of discussion about a supervisory relationship. Two cases
of ethical issues are presented in more detail. The first relates to
the promotion of one-way feedback in supervision, the second
to the violation of confidentiality in psychological treatment
and supervision. In both cases, the main ethical dilemmas and
relevant principles of the code of psychologists’ professional
ethics (KEV DPS, 2019) are identified and possible ways to resolve
such dilemmas are suggested. The authors conclude that the key
to developing ethical competence in supervision is to constantly
and systematically reflect on the actions of the supervisee and
the supervisor. Reflection raises awareness of potential ethical
problems and encourages thinking about how they might be
resolved or prevented. For the development of professional
competence, supervision by a trained supervisor that encourages
such reflection is extremely important, not only for novices but
also as a psychologist’s career progresses.
Keywords: supervision, supervisor, supervisory relationship,
feedback, confidentiality
Teaching and Learning Ethics
Psychology, as a science that studies human behaviour, requires
knowledge of ethics and the principles of ethical behaviour in its
work. Key documents on the ethical work of psychologists were
created within the framework of EFPA - European Federation of
Psychologists’ Associations, with the aim of raising awareness
and unifying ethical standards within the European area. Special
emphasis is also placed on teaching and learning ethics. Therefore,
this paper will present different approaches, and their importance
and effectiveness in teaching and learning ethics. The paper
concludes with a set of challenges in teaching and learning ethics.
Keywords: teaching and learning ethics, lifelong education,
experiental learning, students, interactive teaching methods,
social context of education