Page 669 - Poštuvan Vita, Cerce Mojca. Ur. 2023. Psiholog v dilemi: eticne vsebine in eticna zavest v praksi. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 669
Teaching Ethics in the Study Programmes
of the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts,
University of Maribor
In the following chapter we present formal and informal aspects
of teaching ethics and ethics-related topics at the Department of
Psychology, Faculty of Arts, University of Maribor. In this chapter,
we recognize the importance of teaching ethics and addressing
ethical dilemmas in the Department, guided by key international
and national conventions, codes and guidelines. Formally, students
in the undergraduate programme are offered the elective course
Ethics, which addresses directly and in depth the philosophy
of ethics and the ethics of psychology, and encourages critical
and informed reflection and debate on practical and theoretical
problems, issues and dilemmas. Some content is also devoted to
ethics and ethical issues in other courses, such as Psychometrics
or Introduction to Clinical Psychology. At the postgraduate
level, students undertake the compulsory course Professional
Ethics, where they are introduced to the various moral aspects of
psychological treatment, research and counselling. The chapter
also presents informal data on the teaching of ethics and ethical
content provided by the instructors of each course. It is evident that
ethics and ethical issues are also addressed in a number of other
courses where ethics-related content is not formally prescribed
(e.g. Psychopathology, Introduction to Work and Organizational
Psychology, Clinical Neuropsychology). The chapter also describes
other activities of the department that address ethics and ethical
dilemmas, as well as the practical translation of theoretical ethical
knowledge, which is promoted by a commitment to adherence
to the principles of professional practice by psychologists prior
to internship and at the end of their studies. Last but not least,
we stress the need for students to be more exposed to concrete
situations or examples of dilemmas, to understand ethical
dilemmas on an emotional level, and to relate them to current
political and social influences.
Keywords: ethics, teaching, psychology study