Page 11 - Enakost spolov: premisleki in izzivi
P. 11
es guidance on how to promote the use of gender-neutral and inclusive lan-
guage in all official documents, websites and communication between stakehold-
ers, as well as the regular promotion and recognition of achievements of all gen-
ders in university publications and mass media content. Guidelines are included
in the protocol in the field of education and training of employees and students
on gender equality. It is important that employees and students learn about the
importance of gender equality, the various possible forms of gender discrimina-
tion and how to combat such discrimination. Guidelines are also included in the
protocol in the field of employment and promotion within the university. There are
various measures in this regard, such as the introduction of quotas or targets to
ensure gender balance among employees, the revision and adaptation of the pay
structure to ensure equal pay for equal work, mentoring and coaching. Coaching
or programmes are for women and other under-represented genders that pro-
mote their professional development. An important component of the protocol
for creating a safe and inclusive environment at the university is the provision of
adequate resources and support services to individuals who have been exposed to
discrimination or harassment based on gender, as well as to those who want to
learn more about gender equality. Another important aspect of promoting gen-
der equality and promoting an inclusive environment at university is the creation
of safe spaces, which means creating physical or virtual spaces where individuals
of all genders can feel safe and supported. Through the protocol, various mea-
sures are taken for the diverse representation of all genders in management po-
sitions, academic programmes, committees and university events. In all of this,
regular monitoring and evaluation of all measures in the field of introducing gen-
der equality from the perspective of equality, equity and equal opportunities is
necessary. It is essential that universities actively commit to promoting gender
equality and equality of opportunities and to creating a culture of inclusion and
respect for all members of the academic community. By implementing a compre-
hensive protocol on gender equality, universities can help create a more equal,
equitable and inclusive environment for all.
Key words: gender equality protocol, university, equal opportunities

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