Page 163 - Homo senescens II: izbrane teme
P. 163

Bralni pogovori s starejšimi kot oblika učenja, pripovedovanja in povezovanja

                  ———. 2021. »Kako lahko zapeljujemo v branje skozi pogovor in poučevanje.«
                     Otrok in knjiga 48 (112): 95–107.
                  Wilson, M. 2002. »Six Views of Embodied Cognition.« Psychonomic Bulletin and
                     Review 9(4):625–636.
                  Wilson, R. S., P. A. Boyle, L. Yu, L. L. Barnes, J. A. Schneider in D. A. Bennett.
                     2013. »Life-Span Cognitive Activity, Neuropathologic Burden, and Cogni-
                     tive Aging.« Neurology 81 (4): 314–321.

                  Reading Conversations with Older Adults as a Form of Learning,
                  Storytelling and Bonding
                  The article discusses the importance of books and reading for the elderly and
                  focuseson the meaning of reading conversation asa possible starting point for
                  narrative learning and interpersonal bonding. The author refers to the reading
                  interviews she has been conducting with the elderly and presents her find-
                  ings that can be useful for the organisation of reading meetings and work-
                  shops. Further, she analyses the state of the art regarding libraries and organ-
                  ised reading in Slovenian retirement homes and describes some good prac-
                  tices of group reading interaction, especially the method of ‘shared reading.’
                  The conclusion addresses the practical challenges of arranging such reading
                  sessions, especially in relation to the inclusion of different profiles. Again and
                  again, participants turn out to be a fairly homogenous group with shared so-
                  cial background, level of education, class affiliation, and last but not least –
                  gender. These social parameters are the ones determining leisure activities re-
                  gardless of one’s age, and in our endeavour for the well-being of the elderly
                  we therefore need to be mindful of the inclusive welfare of all generations.
                  Keywords: the elderly, reading conversation, reading groups, narrative learn-
                  ing, the problem of continuity

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