Page 59 - Homo senescens II: izbrane teme
P. 59

Kratek zgodovinski oris družbene konstrukcije starosti

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                     zivi historičnega raziskovanja, uredila M. Šorn, 35–44. Ljubljana: Inštitut za
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                  Ray, R. E. 2011. »Studying the ‘Burden’ of Age: The Work of the Hannan Archi-
                     val Research Group.« V Nobody’s Burden: Lessons from the Great Depression
                     on the Struggle for Old-Age Security, uredila R. E. Ray in T. Calasanti, 1–30.
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                  Remec, M. 2017. »Začetki pokojninskega zavarovanja kmetov: od preužitka do
                     zakona o pokojninskem in invalidskem zavarovanju.« V Starost: izzivi histo-
                     ričnega raziskovanja, uredila M. Šorn, 77–104. Ljubljana: Inštitut za novejšo
                  Rozanova, J., H. C. Northcott in S. A. McDaniel. 2006. »Seniors and Portrayals
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                     Mail.« Canadian Journal on Aging 25 (4): 373–386.
                  Rudman, D. L. 2006. »Shaping the Active, Autonomous and Responsible Mo-
                     dern Retiree: An Analysis of Discursive Technologies and their Links with
                     Neo-Liberal Political Rationality.« Ageing and Society 26 (2): 181–201.
                  Silverstein, M. 2014. »Afterword: A View from Gerontology.« V Aging,Media,and
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                  Social Construction of Old Age: A Short Historical Overview
                  Attitudes towards older people and the perception of old age depend on the
                  social and cultural conditions prevalent in a given historical period. The way
                  in which old age is constructed in each society is important because it largely
                  determines how older people are treated and accepted in society. This paper
                  offers a socio-historical outline of the key turning points in the social construc-
                  tion of old age from the late nineteenth century to the present. It shows how,
                  in the first half of the twentieth century, the negative image of old age helped
                  to shape the welfare state. State support for older people was rooted in de-
                  bates that stressed the need to remove the social risks of old age, which were
                  mainly linked to poverty and ill-health. Towards the end of the millennium,
                  under the influence of social gerontology and the advertising industry, there
                  emerged an overly positive representation of old age, which diverted atten-
                  tion from the socially constructed nature of disadvantage and dependence in
                  later life and weakened the social consensus that caring for the older people

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