Page 97 - Pedagoška vizija / A Pedagogical Vision
P. 97

Mentoriranje zaključnih del in komunikacija med mentorjem ter mentorirancem

                  Islam, S. 2020. »Supervisor’s Roles in Master’s Thesis and PhD Dissertations.«
                  Krmac, N. 2022. »Vloga mentorstva v visokošolskem izobraževanju in oblikova-
                     nju profesionalne poti študentov.« V Interdisciplinarnaobzorjavisokošolske
                     didaktike: raznolike poti do vednosti in znanja, uredile M. Mezgec, A. Andre-
                     jašič in S. Rutar, 227–245. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
                  Marel, I. van der, L. Munneke in E. de Bruijn. 2022. »Supervising Graduation Pro-
                     jects in Higher Professional Education: A Literature Review.« Educational
                     Research Review 37 (5): 100462.
                  Mezgec, M. 2022. »Profesionalni razvoj in pedagoško usposabljanje visokošol-
                     skegaučiteljav Sloveniji.« V Interdisciplinarna obzorja visokošolske didak-
                     tike: raznolike poti do vednosti in znanja, uredile M. Mezgec, A. Andrejašič
                     in S. Rutar, 59–74. Koper: ZaložbaUniverzenaPrimorskem.
                  Mhunpiew, N. 2013. »A Supervisor’s Roles for Successful Thesis and Disserta-
                     tion.« US-China Education Review A 3 (2): 119–122.
                  Phillips, E., in D. S. Pugh. 2005. How to get a PhD: A Handbook for Students and
                     Their Supervisors. Glasgow: Bell & Bain.
                  Ribau, I. 2020. »Doctoral Supervisors and PhD Students’ Perceptions about the
                     Supervision Process in a Young European University.« University Journal of
                     Education Research 8(1):36–46.
                  Rutar, S. 2022. »Povezanost inovativnega poučevanja z vlogami visokošolskega
                     učitelja v na študenta osredinjenem študijskem procesu.« V Inovativne
                     prakse v visokošolski didaktiki: primeri in utemeljitve, uredile M. Mezgec, A.
                     Andrejašič in S. Rutar, 75–95. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
                  Taber, K. S. 2018. »The Use of Cronbach’s Alpha When Developing and Repor-
                     ting Research Instruments in Science Education.« Research in Science Edu-
                     cation 48:1273–1296.
                  Univerza na Primorskem. B.l. »Študijski program Razredni pouk.« https://www
                  Vehviläinen, S.,inE.Löfström. 2016.»IWish I HadaCrystal Ball’: Discourses and
                     Potentials for Developing Academic Supervising.« Studies in Higher Educa-
                     tion 41 (3): 508–524.
                  Wisker,G.2005. The Good Supervisor: Supervising Postgraguate and Undergra-
                     duate Research for Doctoral Theses and Dissertations. New York: Palgrave
                  Xu, X., in S. C. Payne. 2014. »Quantity, Quality and Satisfaction with Mentoring:
                     What Matters Most.« Journal of Career Development 41 (6): 507–525.

                  Mentoring of Final Works and Communication
                  between Mentor and Mentee
                  In study programmes where a final work is foreseen, the preparation and de-
                  fence of the final thesis represents an important turning point and the final

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