Page 95 - Petelin, Ana, ur. 2024. Zdravje delovno aktivnih in starejših odraslih / Health of Working-Age and Older Adults. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo ▪︎ Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 95

Changes in myofascial components of movement in the elderly

               Maja Frangež , Maja Marija Potočnik 2
               1  University Clinical Centre Ljubljana, Institute of medical rehabilitation, Ljubljana, Slovenia
               2  University Clinical Centre Ljubljana, Clinical Department of Anesthesiology and
               Perioperative Intensive Care, Ljubljana, Slovenia
               Aim: Aging is a one-way process associated with profound structural and functional
               changes in our bodies, including those in the muscles and fascia, which could be related
               to changes in movement. The pattern of breathing can also change durin aging. Due
               to the fact that breathing takes place at the core of the body, various breathing tech-
               niques can be utilized as an additional component of physical training.
               Content: Fascia includes all collagenous fibrous tissue in our body, which works as a
               three-dimensional network. The latest scientific findings confirm that fascia is crucial
               for our body shape and awareness; muscles cannot function or maintain their shape
               without fascial tissue. It plays a key role in propriocepcion and pain. Significant contri-
               butions to understanding lower back pain have been made through the discovery of
               altered gliding of fascial structures and muscles in individuals with lower back pain, the
               discovery of myofibroblasts responsible for the contractile properties of the thora-
               columbar fascia, and the discovery of fasciacytes specialized in producing a hyaluronic
               acid-rich extracellular matrix. An increasing number of studies confirm that fascia plays
               an important role in force transmission throughout the body, making it crucial for the
               adaptability, elasticity, and performance of our bodies. The concept of Fascial Fitness®
               and fascial breathing consists of four principles: fascial release, fascial stretch, rebound
               elasticity, and sensory refinement. Literature in the field of fascial training confirms
               that well-trained connective tissue can influence flexibility, allows for greater elasticity
               in movement, establishes a functional fascial network, and provides long-term preven-
               tion of pain and injuries.The Fascial Fitness® and fascial breathing movement programs  preventiva in rehabilitacija ... | prevention and rehabilitation ...
               aim to optimize the properties of our connective tissue.
               Conclusion: Fascial tissue is crucial in every movement we make. One of its characte-
               ristics is having numerous receptors, making fascia one of the reachest sensory or-
               gans for proprioception. Well-trained fascia can contribute to reducing pain and pro-
               moting overall well-being. Maintaining a healthy and elastic myofascial network within
               our body starts with control of breathing, which defines the beginning of each move-
               ment. In the future, evidence-based approach in understanding the role of connecti-
               ve tissue in our bodies, should influenece exercise and movement programmes even
               for older individuals.
               Keywords: fascia, Fascial Fitness, miofascia, breathing

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