Page 83 - Učilnica za življenje
P. 83

Učenje na prostem v očeh študentov predšolske vzgoje

                  Van Bussel, F. (1992). Nizozemski tečaj začetnega naravoslovja za razredne uči-
                     telje. V T. Krapše (ur.), Razvoj začetnega naravoslovja: kaj smo slišali in brali
                     (str. 15–32). Educa.
                  Wilson, R. A. (1995). Nature and young children: A natural connection. Young
                     Children, 50(6), 4–11.
                  Yıldırım, G., in Akamca, G. Ö. (2017). The effect of outdoor learning activities on
                     the development of preschool children. SouthAfricanJournalofEducation,
                     37(2), 1–10.

                  Preschool Education Students’ Perspectives on Outdoor Learning
                  The aim of this paper was to examine students’ views on outdoor learning. Stu-
                  dents of the 2nd year of the study programme Early Childhood Education of
                  the Faculty of Education, University of Primorska, participated in the study (N
                  = 43). Data were collected using a questionnaire with three sections: (1) demo-
                  graphic data and associations with the phrase »outdoor learning«, (2) partici-
                  pants’ opinions on the benefits and disadvantages of outdoor learning, (3) ex-
                  periences with outdoor learning during their studies, and areas where partici-
                  pants would need further training to effectively implement outdoor learning.
                  The survey results showed that students hold positive attitudes towards out-
                  door learning and believe it has beneficial effects on children’s abilities, such
                  as improved motor skills, increased motivation, and stronger connections with
                  the natural environment. However, they expressed that they had not gained
                  sufficient experience during their studies to effectively implement outdoor
                  learning and felt they needed additional knowledge in planning and prepar-
                  ing outdoor activities.
                  Keywords: science teaching, outdoor learning, early childhood education, stu-
                  dent opinion

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