Page 337 - Kavrečič, Petra. 2015. Turizem v Avstrijskem primorju. Založba Univerze na Primorskem, Koper.
P. 337
all places that strived for regulation of surroundings and to attract foreign-
ers. The establishment of embellishment associations, foreign traffic and en-
tertainment associations indicate an increasing importance of tourist activi-
ty. A large number of societies and organisations which were active in tourist
destinations and other places, the intertwining and also overlapping, duplica-
tion of their activities (health committee, embellishment association, enter-
tainment committee), on the other hand show a certain partition and inco-
herence of tourist operators. The number is not surprising, as latter ministry
for community works, ministry of transport and unions for foreign transport
were financially supporting activities of such associations.

Societies inspired by Swiss, English and German patterns were estab-
lished in the second half of the 19th century. Rules that defined the purpose,
the way of gaining financial resources, organisational structure, membership
and activity were set at the establishment. The first embellishment associa-
tion in Slovenia was founded in Celje in 1871. In the area we have discussed,
the first association was in Postojna where it was founded in 1883 (otherwise
it was in Kranjska). The caves commission was also active in Postojna, it was
founded already in 1823. In Riviera, the first association was based in Opati-
ja, from 1885 the embellishment association as well as Austrian tourist club
section were active, although it did not experience the declaration of the na-
tion of health resort until four years later. Grado was very late in this field; its
association was not mentioned until 1908. The reason for a relatively late es-
tablishment of the association in Grado may be in the original nature of the
spa or children’s sanatorium which was managed and financed by the munic-
ipality and its institutions; with the health committee and the management
of the sanatorium they also took care of the place regulation. After the estab-
lishment of trustees in 1907 and the growing tourist development (already
at the end of the 19th century) the embellishment association was also estab-
lished in Grado. It was considered for spas to be tidy and embellished by the
health committee as well. Portorož was declared a health resort in 1897, there-
fore the establishment of the association two years after is not surprising and
cannot be classified as late.

For the promotion of foreign traffic, the associations had joined, both at
provincial and national level, into provincial associations which also financed
their activity. The provincial associations in Primorje were established in
Gorizia, Trieste and Opatija. These associations took care of surroundings,
parks, walking trails, publication of information bulletins, organisation of

AST, I.R. Luogotenenza, Società 1850–1919, Classifica B/XV, Società d'abbellimento, 1888–1913,
Classifica B/XVI and Classifica B/XVI/I, n° 17.

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