Page 466 - Weiss, Jernej, ur. 2017. Glasbene migracije: stičišče evropske glasbene raznolikosti - Musical Migrations: Crossroads of European Musical Diversity. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 1
P. 466
glasbene migracije: stičišče evropske glasbene raznolikosti

reiche Veröffentlichungen zur Musikgeschichte seit 1750 mit den Schwer-
punkten 19. und 20. Jahrhundert, die Musik im östlichen Europa, musikali-
sche Analyse, Musikfolklore sowie das Verhältnis von Dichtung, Bildender
Kunst und Musik.

Nataša Cigoj Krstulović (
is a researcher at the Institute of Musicology of Scientific Research Cen-
tre in Ljubljana. She is a member of Scientific Committee of the Institute of
Musicology of ZRC SAZU and a member of a Editorial Board of the musi-
cological journal De musica disserenda. Her research is focused on the his-
tory of music in Slovenian lands in the nineteenth century (history of mu-
sic societies, choral and piano music), reception history and sociology of
music, with special regard to the questions of national and transnational in
music, of identity and the questions of functional and autonomous in mu-
sic. Within the European project Music migrations in the early modern age:
the meeting of the European East, West and South (2014–16) her research in-
terests include also the music migrations in eighteenth century in the Slo-
venian lands.

Vladimir Gurevich (
studied since 1954 in the Music College by the Saint-Petersburg Rim-
sky-Korsakov Conservatory. Since 1965 in Saint-Petersburg Conservato-
ry. Graduated the Conservatory in 1971. Then (1969-1976) worked in Turk-
menistan. PhD (1971). Promotion (1990). Since 1976 to 1999 Professor in the
Trade Union High School of culture (Leningrad-Saint-Petersburg). 1999–
2004 – in Academy for postgraduate education, since 1904 – professor at
the State Alexander Herzen Pedagogical University (Saint Petersburg),
Member of Composers Union of Russia since 1972, Secretary of this un-
ion. Member of High Council of experts in RF (Musicology). Author of 8
books and more them 300 articles, which are published in Russia, Cana-
da, Poland, Germany, Belgium, Austria, Norway, Ukraine, Lettland, Turk-
menistan and other countries. As pianist played many concerts in Rus-
sia, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Germany, Austria, Canada, France, Poland
with various programs (solo and ensemble), first of all with modern music.
Vice-president by Piano-duo association (Saint Petersburg).

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