Page 219 - Hojnik, Jana. 2017. In Persuit of Eco-innovation. Drivers and Consequences of Eco-innovation at Firm Level. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 219
Results 219

sults show that the majority of companies (106 or 47.5%) reported nega-
tive growth of number of employees through two business years, while
80 companies (35.9%) reported growth related to the number of employ-
ees through two business years between 0-24%. Moreover, 10 companies
(4.5%) reported growth between 25-49%, followed by three companies
(1.3%) that had growth between 50-74%, while only two companies had
more than 100% of growth related to the number of employees through
two business years.

Regarding growth of net sales through two business years, 120 com-
panies (53.8%) had less than 0%, while 72 companies (32.3%) had be-
tween 0-24% and 22 companies (9.9%) had between 25-49%. Continuing,
four companies (1.8%) had between 50-74% of net sales growth through
two business years, followed by one company (0.4%) with between 75-
99% and 3 companies (1.3%) whose net sales growth through two busi-
ness years was more than 100%.

Table 73 also depicts other financial indicators, such as ROA (return
on assets), ROE (return on equity) and ROS (return on sales). The results
show that the majority of companies (182 or 81.6%) had ROA between
0-24%, followed by 34 companies (15.2%) with less than 0%, while three
companies (1.3%) had between 25-49% and only one company (0.4%) had
between 50-74%. Concerning the values of ROE, the results demonstrate
that the majority of companies (158 or 70.9%) had ROE between 0-24%,
followed by 29 companies (13%) that had less than 0% and 14 companies
(6.4%) that had between 25-49%. Continuing, five companies (2.2%) had
ROE more than 100%, followed by four companies (1.8%) that had be-
tween 50-74% and two companies (0.9%) that had between 75-99%. Fi-
nally, we also checked for ROS, and the results show that the majority of
companies (180 companies or 80.7%) had between 0 and 24%, followed
by 40 companies (17.9%) that had less than 0%.
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