Page 264 - Hojnik, Jana. 2017. In Persuit of Eco-innovation. Drivers and Consequences of Eco-innovation at Firm Level. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 264
Pursuit of Eco-innovation

Measurement items Cronbach’s alpha
(for construct Growth is given
Number of foreign countries where company currently sells its products/ser-
vices 0.875
Share of sales on foreign markets in 2013
Total number of operation modes

Note: ** correlation between two items pertaining to the construct company growth is sig-
nificant at the 0.01 level.

From Table 89, we can see that all factor loadings are greater than
0.50 and the p-values are significant at the 0.05 level, except for the item
264 pertaining to company growth (“Net sales - growth through 2 business
years”); therefore, the convergent validity is ensured (Fornell and Larck-
er 1981). In addition, the composite reliability of all constructs (except for
the construct company growth) is greater than 0.70, indicating accept-
able reliability (Hair et al. 2009). Additionally, the square root of average
variance extracted (AVE) for each construct is greater than 0.50, except
for the construct growth, for which has not been calculated (instead, the
correlation between the two items pertaining to the construct is given).

Table 89: Measurement model of latent variables

Measurement items Completely stan- p Composite reli- AVE
dardized loading ability 0.60

Managerial environmental concern (MC)

1a Eco-innovation is an important 0.63
component of the company’s envi-
ronmental management strategy.

1b Most eco-innovations are 0.84 *

1c Eco-innovation is necessary to 0.81 0.858
achieve high levels of environmen- *
tal performance.

1d Eco-innovation is an effec- 0.81 *
tive environmental management
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