Page 262 - Hojnik, Jana. 2017. In Persuit of Eco-innovation. Drivers and Consequences of Eco-innovation at Firm Level. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 262
In Pursuit of Eco-innovation

Measurement items Cronbach’s alpha
(for construct Growth is given


Command-and-control instrument

3a Our products should meet the requirements of national environmental reg- 0.946
ulations. 0.838
3b Our products should meet the requirements of international and/or EU en-
vironmental regulations.
3c Our production processes should meet the requirements of national environ-
mental regulations.
3d Our production processes should meet the requirements of international
and/or EU environmental regulations.

Economic incentive instrument

3e The government provides preferential subsidies for environmental innova-

262 tion.
3f The government provides preferential tax policies on environmental innova-


3h The government promotes environmental protection.

Customer demand

4a Environment is a critical issue for our important customers. 0.940
4b Our important customers often bring up environmental issues.
4c Customer demands motivate us in our environmental efforts.
4d Our customers have clear demands regarding environmental issues.

Competitive pressure

6a We establish the company’s environmental image compared to competitors 0.933
through green concepts.
6b We increase the company’s market share through green concepts.
6c We improve the company’s competitive advantage over competitors through
green concepts.

Product eco-innovation 0.872

8b The company is improving and designing environmentally friendly packaging
(e.g., using less paper and plastic materials) for existing and new products.
8e The company chooses materials of the product that consume the least
amount of energy and resources for conducting the product development or
8f The company uses the smallest possible amount of materials to comprise the
product for conducting the product development or design.
8g The company deliberately evaluates whether the product is easy to recycle, re-
use and decompose for conducting the product development or design.
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