Page 267 - Hojnik, Jana. 2017. In Persuit of Eco-innovation. Drivers and Consequences of Eco-innovation at Firm Level. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 267
Eco-innovation models

Measurement items Completely stan- p Composite reli- AVE
dardized loading ability 0.70

Process eco-innovation (PC) 0.79

9a Low energy consumption such 0.79
as water, electricity, gas and petrol
during production/use/disposal.

9b Recycle, reuse and remanufac- 0.73 *
ture material.

9g Use of cleaner technology to

generate savings and prevent pol- 0.84 *
lution (e.g., energy, water and
waste). 0.922

9h The manufacturing process of 0.92 * 267
the company effectively reduc-
es the emission of hazardous sub-
stances or waste.

9i The manufacturing process of 0.90 *
the company reduces the use of
raw materials.

Organizational eco-innovation (OR)

10a Our firm management of- 0.81
ten uses novel systems to manage

10b Our firm management often 0.91 *
collects information on eco-inno-
vation trends.

10c Our firm management often 0.93 *
actively engages in eco-innovation

10d Our firm management often 0.958

communicates eco-innovation in- 0.92 *

formation with employees.

10e Our firm management of- 0.86 *
ten invests a high ratio of R&D in

10f Our firm management of- 0.91 *
ten communicates experiences
among various departments in-
volved in eco-innovation.
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