Page 37 - Volk, Marina, Štemberger, Tina, Sila, Anita, Kovač, Nives. Ur. 2021. Medpredmetno povezovanje: pot do uresničevanja vzgojno-izobraževalnih ciljev. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 37
Changing the Educational Paradigm by Applying STEM Competencies
STEM is a student-centered approach to teaching and learning that contin-
ually activates students through complex and meaningful questions, prob-
lems and challenges. Teachers need to focus on one or more important learn-
ing outcomes, including outcomes and skills required for the 21st century,
such as critical thinking, problem solving, communication, collaboration and
time management. The challenging problem or question is to start a student.
Students are in the process of continuous research – they ask questions, col-
lect, analyze and evaluate information, test explanations and solutions re-
lated to different situations, make argumentative conclusions.
To be able to teach competently and develop competences with students,
teachers themselves need to be trained in the implementation of cross-
curricular topics. The STEM approach is one of the frameworks to confirm
the complexity of new approaches to teacher education, which are being
put forward by 21st century teachers, as they indicate the interdisciplinary
linking of different scientific and professional fields. In addition, new educa-
tion approaches also emphasize on socio-emotional competencies, which
are indispensable in contemporary approaches to learning and teaching
and emphasize the importance of collaborative learning and teamwork in
science and society (European Commission 2010).
The project Enhancing and Advancing Basic Learning and Education in
Bosnia and Herzegovina (ENABLE BiH) is designed to contribute to the pro-
cess of changing the educational paradigm in Bosnia and Herzegovina to
lead to the knowledge-based society and economy development. Through
the STEM education project, it was strived to create a comprehensive ba-
sis for the introduction of STEM approaches to full-time education within
existing teaching contents. By raising STEM competencies, more goals are
achieved. An increasing number of jobs require STEM skills. The STEM ap-
proach increases young people’s interest in choosing the profession increas-
ingly needed in the labor market. For all students, regardless of their choice
of the future professions, STEM competencies will be used in making deci-
sions of a personal and professional type, which enhances a society’s ability
to face the further development challenges.
Antic, S., A. Pesikan, and I. Ivic. 2015. ‘Vaspitna funkcija nastave prirodnih nauka.’
Nastava i vaspitanje 65 (4): 615–629.
Archer, L., J. DeWitt, J. Osborne, J. Dillon, B. Willis, and B. Wong. 2012. ‘Science As-
pirations, Capital, and Family Habitus.’ American Educational Research Jour-
nal 49 (5): 881–908.
STEM is a student-centered approach to teaching and learning that contin-
ually activates students through complex and meaningful questions, prob-
lems and challenges. Teachers need to focus on one or more important learn-
ing outcomes, including outcomes and skills required for the 21st century,
such as critical thinking, problem solving, communication, collaboration and
time management. The challenging problem or question is to start a student.
Students are in the process of continuous research – they ask questions, col-
lect, analyze and evaluate information, test explanations and solutions re-
lated to different situations, make argumentative conclusions.
To be able to teach competently and develop competences with students,
teachers themselves need to be trained in the implementation of cross-
curricular topics. The STEM approach is one of the frameworks to confirm
the complexity of new approaches to teacher education, which are being
put forward by 21st century teachers, as they indicate the interdisciplinary
linking of different scientific and professional fields. In addition, new educa-
tion approaches also emphasize on socio-emotional competencies, which
are indispensable in contemporary approaches to learning and teaching
and emphasize the importance of collaborative learning and teamwork in
science and society (European Commission 2010).
The project Enhancing and Advancing Basic Learning and Education in
Bosnia and Herzegovina (ENABLE BiH) is designed to contribute to the pro-
cess of changing the educational paradigm in Bosnia and Herzegovina to
lead to the knowledge-based society and economy development. Through
the STEM education project, it was strived to create a comprehensive ba-
sis for the introduction of STEM approaches to full-time education within
existing teaching contents. By raising STEM competencies, more goals are
achieved. An increasing number of jobs require STEM skills. The STEM ap-
proach increases young people’s interest in choosing the profession increas-
ingly needed in the labor market. For all students, regardless of their choice
of the future professions, STEM competencies will be used in making deci-
sions of a personal and professional type, which enhances a society’s ability
to face the further development challenges.
Antic, S., A. Pesikan, and I. Ivic. 2015. ‘Vaspitna funkcija nastave prirodnih nauka.’
Nastava i vaspitanje 65 (4): 615–629.
Archer, L., J. DeWitt, J. Osborne, J. Dillon, B. Willis, and B. Wong. 2012. ‘Science As-
pirations, Capital, and Family Habitus.’ American Educational Research Jour-
nal 49 (5): 881–908.