Page 117 - Kroflič, R., S. Rutar in B. Borota, ur. 2022. Umetnost v vzgoji v vrtcih in šolah: projekt SKUM. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 117
Spodbujanje narativnosti v vzgoji in izobraževanju

Wringe, C. 2006. Moral Education: Beyond Teaching of Right and Wrong. Dor-
drecht: Springer.

Narration in Education
In this paper, we present the importance of fostering narrative knowledge,
which includes the ability to making and telling create stories, to enter criti-
cally into social reality, and to enhance active listening and learning from oth-
ers. Narrative is defined as a first-person experience that supports the prin-
ciples of poetic learning and teaching. A qualitative analysis of the collected
examples of project activities carried out in kindergartens and schools with
the aim of promoting narrative knowledge through the arts shows that chil-
dren and adolescents, through the stories they told or depicted, expressed a
greater sensitivity in observing relationships, social and natural phenomena, a
more holistic understanding of the curricular content and that they easily ex-
pressed their observations of the world and attitudes. The analysis of the col-
lected ongoing and final evaluations and reflections of the educators/teachers
and artists showed that this way of working and documenting enables them
to have a more in-depth view of the processes of learning and action, a more
subtle perception of children/young people’s needs and interests, and more
opportunities for self-questioning and questioning with others – about their
role in the pedagogical process, about the challenges and opportunities of-
fered to children/young people, about reflecting on the content and finding
different didactic forms for working with children and young people.
Keywords: story, narrative knowledge, first-person experience, poetics of learn-
ing, art, documentation, reflection, SKUM Project

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