Page 307 - Istenič Andreja, Gačnik Mateja, Horvat Barbara, Kukanja Gabrijelčič Mojca, Kiswarday Vanja Riccarda, Lebeničnik Maja, Mezgec Maja, Volk Marina. Ur. 2023. Vzgoja in izobraževanje med preteklostjo in prihodnostjo. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 307
Zgodovinski pregled povratne informacije na področju izobraževanja
Istenič Starčič, A. 2019. »Human Learning and Learning Analytics in the Age
of Artificial Intelligence.« British Journal of Educational Technology 50 (6):
Kluger, A. N., in A. DeNisi. 1996. »The Effects of Feedback Interventions on Per-
formance: A Historical Review, a Meta-Analysis, and a Preliminary Feed-
back Intervention Theory.« Psychological Bulletin 119 (2): 254–284.
Kristl, N. 2016. »Sprejemanje informacijskokomunikacijske tehnologije: dejav-
niki in modeli.« Andragoška spoznanja 22 (4): 7–28.
Kulhavy, R. W. 1977. »Feedback in Written Instruction.« Review of Educational
Research 47 (2): 211–232.
Kulhavy, R. W., in W. A. Stock. 1989. »Feedback in Written Instruction: The Place
of Response Certitude.« Educational Psychology Review 1 (4): 279–308.
Kulik, L. A., in C.-L. C. Kulik. 1988. »Timing of Feedback and Verbal Learning.«
Review of Educational Research 58 (1): 79–97.
Leibold, N., in L. M. Schwarz. 2015. »The Art of Giving Online Feedback.« Journal
of Effective Teaching 15 (1): 34–46.
Lipnevich, A. A., in E. Panadero. 2021. »A Review of Feedback Models and The-
ories: Descriptions, Definitions, and Conclusions.« Frontiers in Education 6.
Lipnevich, A. A., in J. K. Smith. 2022. »Student-Feedback Interaction Model: Re-
vised.« Studies in Educational Evaluation 75 (2): 101208.
Lipnevich, A. A., D. Berg in J. K. Smith. 2016. »Toward a Model of Student Re-
sponse to Feedback.« V Human Factors and Social Conditions in Assessment,
uredila G. T. Brown in L. R. Harris, 169–185. New York: Routledge.
Mahoney, P., S. Macfarlane in R. Ajjawi. 2019. »A Qualitative Synthesis of Video
Feedback in Higher Education.« Teaching in Higher Education 24 (2): 157–
Mason, B. J., in R. Bruning. 2001. Providing Feedback in Computer-Based Instruc-
tion: What the Research Tells Us. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Merry, S., in P. Orsmond. 2008. »Students’ Attitudes to and Usage of Aca-
demic Feedback Provided Via Audio Files.« Bioscience Education 11. ht-
Narciss, S. 2004. »The Impact of Informative Tutoring Feedback and Self-Effica-
cy on Motivation and Achievement in Concept Learning.« Experimental
Psychology 51 (3): 214–228.
———. 2008. »Feedback Strategies for Interactive Learning Tasks.« V Handbook
of Research on Educational Communications and Technology, uredili J. M.
Spector, M. D. Merrill, J. J. G. Van Merrienboer in M. P. Driscoll, 125–143. Ma-
hwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Narciss, S., in K. Huth. 2004. »How to Design Informative Tutoring Feedback for
Multi-Media Learning.« V Instructional Design for Multimedia Learning, ure-
dili H. M. Niegemann, D. Leutner in R. Brunken, 181–195. Erfurt: Waxmann.
Istenič Starčič, A. 2019. »Human Learning and Learning Analytics in the Age
of Artificial Intelligence.« British Journal of Educational Technology 50 (6):
Kluger, A. N., in A. DeNisi. 1996. »The Effects of Feedback Interventions on Per-
formance: A Historical Review, a Meta-Analysis, and a Preliminary Feed-
back Intervention Theory.« Psychological Bulletin 119 (2): 254–284.
Kristl, N. 2016. »Sprejemanje informacijskokomunikacijske tehnologije: dejav-
niki in modeli.« Andragoška spoznanja 22 (4): 7–28.
Kulhavy, R. W. 1977. »Feedback in Written Instruction.« Review of Educational
Research 47 (2): 211–232.
Kulhavy, R. W., in W. A. Stock. 1989. »Feedback in Written Instruction: The Place
of Response Certitude.« Educational Psychology Review 1 (4): 279–308.
Kulik, L. A., in C.-L. C. Kulik. 1988. »Timing of Feedback and Verbal Learning.«
Review of Educational Research 58 (1): 79–97.
Leibold, N., in L. M. Schwarz. 2015. »The Art of Giving Online Feedback.« Journal
of Effective Teaching 15 (1): 34–46.
Lipnevich, A. A., in E. Panadero. 2021. »A Review of Feedback Models and The-
ories: Descriptions, Definitions, and Conclusions.« Frontiers in Education 6.
Lipnevich, A. A., in J. K. Smith. 2022. »Student-Feedback Interaction Model: Re-
vised.« Studies in Educational Evaluation 75 (2): 101208.
Lipnevich, A. A., D. Berg in J. K. Smith. 2016. »Toward a Model of Student Re-
sponse to Feedback.« V Human Factors and Social Conditions in Assessment,
uredila G. T. Brown in L. R. Harris, 169–185. New York: Routledge.
Mahoney, P., S. Macfarlane in R. Ajjawi. 2019. »A Qualitative Synthesis of Video
Feedback in Higher Education.« Teaching in Higher Education 24 (2): 157–
Mason, B. J., in R. Bruning. 2001. Providing Feedback in Computer-Based Instruc-
tion: What the Research Tells Us. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Merry, S., in P. Orsmond. 2008. »Students’ Attitudes to and Usage of Aca-
demic Feedback Provided Via Audio Files.« Bioscience Education 11. ht-
Narciss, S. 2004. »The Impact of Informative Tutoring Feedback and Self-Effica-
cy on Motivation and Achievement in Concept Learning.« Experimental
Psychology 51 (3): 214–228.
———. 2008. »Feedback Strategies for Interactive Learning Tasks.« V Handbook
of Research on Educational Communications and Technology, uredili J. M.
Spector, M. D. Merrill, J. J. G. Van Merrienboer in M. P. Driscoll, 125–143. Ma-
hwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Narciss, S., in K. Huth. 2004. »How to Design Informative Tutoring Feedback for
Multi-Media Learning.« V Instructional Design for Multimedia Learning, ure-
dili H. M. Niegemann, D. Leutner in R. Brunken, 181–195. Erfurt: Waxmann.