Page 31 - Homo senescens II: izbrane teme
P. 31

Obdobje pozne odraslosti kot obdobje blagostanja

                  Starc, M., in M. Zabukovec. 2013. »Zadovoljstvo s svojim življenjem v luči ži-
                     vljenjskih sprememb.« V Staranje v Sloveniji, uredil J. Ramovš, 99–117. Ljub-
                     ljana: Inštitut Antona Trstenjaka za gerontologijo in medgeneracijsko so-
                  Statistični Urad Republike Slovenije. B.l. »Prebivalstvo.«
                  Stern, Y. 2009. »Cognitive Reserve.« Neuropsychologia 47 (10): 2015–2028.
                  Svetelšek, A. 2017. »Socialno-emocionalno funkcioniranje in staranje.« Kakovo-
                     stna starost 20 (2): 19–39.
                  Tomšič, M. 2011. »Zakaj starejši padejo in kako padce preprečiti.« V Zbornik pre-
                     davanj: Posvetovanje aktivno in zdravo staranje, uredila D. Rugelj in F. Sev-
                     šek, 107–113. Ljubljana: Zdravstvena fakulteta.
                  Uchida, Y. 2011. »A Holistic View of Happiness: Belief in the Negative Side of Ha-
                     ppiness Is More Prevalent in Japan than in the United States.« Psychologia
                     53 (4): 236–245.
                  Urad Republike Slovenije za makroekonomske analize in razvoj. 2017. »Stra-
                     tegija dolgožive družbe.«
                  Wagner, M., Y. Schutze in F. R. Lang. 1999. »Social Relationship in Old Age.« V The
                     Berlin Aging Study: Aging from 70 to 100, uredila P. B. Baltes in K. U. Mayer,
                     282–301. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
                  Zupančič, M. 2020a. »Osebnostni razvoj v pozni odraslosti.« V Razvojna psiho-
                     logija, uredili L. Marjanovič Umek in M. Zupančič, 1040–1064. Ljubljana:
                     Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete.
                  ———. 2020b. »Socialni razvoj v pozni odraslosti.« V Razvojna psihologija, ure-
                     dili L. Marjanovič Umek in M. Zupančič, 1099–1125. Ljubljana: Znanstvena
                     založba Filozofske fakultete.
                  ———. 2020c. »Spoznavni razvoj in vsakodnevna kompetentnost v pozni od-
                     raslosti.« V Razvojnapsihologija, uredili L. Marjanovič Umek in M. Zupančič,
                     1056–1098. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete.

                  The Period of Late Adulthood as a Period of Well-Being
                  The period of late adulthood or old age, according to developmental theories,
                  is the time after the age of 65. Changes in the physical, cognitive, social and
                  personality areas have already occurred in previous periods, and together, all
                  have a significant impact on the quality of an individual’s life. That is why grad-
                  ual adjustments in everyday life are necessary, as they preserve the individ-
                  ual’s health, physically and mentally, and thus contribute to the quality of life
                  even in old age. The professional experience that an individual has acquired
                  throughout their life, which manifests itself as wisdom and expertise in old
                  age, often fades away upon retirement. Also, the number of social contacts
                  gradually decreases and the first losses of important persons begin. In order

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