Page 48 - Homo senescens II: izbrane teme
P. 48

Nuša Zadravec Šedivy in Vita Poštuvan

                       UP IAM Slovenski center za raziskovanje samomora. B.l. »Programi NARA.« Živ?
                       Walsh, F. 2007. »Traumatic Loss and Major Disasters: Strengthening Family and
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                       Williams, J. M. G., J. D. Teasdale, Z. V. Segal in J. Kabat-Zinn. 2007. The Mindful
                          Way through Depression: Freeing Yourself from Chronic Unhappiness. New
                          York: Guilford.
                       World Health Organization. 1998. Wellbeing Measures in Primary Health Care:
                          The Depcare Project; Report on a WHO Meeting. Stockholm: World Health
                       Wong, W. P., J. Coles, R. Chambers,D.B. C.WuinC. Hassed. 2017. »TheEffectsof
                          Mindfulness on Older Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment.« Journal of
                          Alzheimer’s Disease Reports 1(1):181–193.
                       Young, L. A., in M. J. Baime. 2010. »Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction: Effect
                          on Emotional Distress in Older Adults.« Complementary Health Practice Re-
                          view 15 (2): 59–64.

                       Mindfulness in Older Adults: Effects of Mindfulness Programmes
                       on Mental Health and Successful Ageing
                       Mindfulness is becoming a widely used approach to improving psychological
                       well-being. It involvesdeveloping the ability to purposefully direct attention to
                       the experience of the present moment without reacting to or interpreting that
                       experience. It is thus an adaptive psychological process to achieve emotional
                       self-regulation and reduce stress. In recent decades, the study of the potential
                       of mindfulness-based interventions to support successful ageing has gained
                       interest. Older adults experience certain types of stress, loneliness, loss, grief,
                       decline in body functions and other health problems more frequently than
                       others. Previous research, as well as the evaluation of NARA mindfulness pro-
                       grammes that we present in this chapter, conducted with the aim of reviewing
                       the impact of such interventions on the psychological well-being and mental
                       health of older adults in Slovenia, shows that the practise of mindfulness offers
                       significant positive changes in mental health and psychological well-being, as
                       well as many benefits for the physical health of older adults.
                       Keywords: mindfulness, older adults, mental health, mindfulness-based cogni-
                       tive therapy (MBCT), mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR)

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