Page 548 - Pedagoška vizija / A Pedagogical Vision
P. 548
Katarina Dolinar in Sanela Hudovernik
nosti učencev ter oblikovali smernice in programe za spodbujanje aktivnega
sodelovanja staršev pri tem procesu.
Omejitve raziskave
Osnovna omejitev predstavljene raziskave je vzorec udeleženih, saj je ta
glede na celotno populacijo petošolcev relativno majhen, zaradi česar rezul-
tati niso posplošljivi. Kljub temu lahko trdimo, da odgovori učencev nakazu-
jejo nekatere pomanjkljivosti v poznavanju in razumevanju finančnih vsebin
ter potrebo po optimalni integraciji slednjih v obvezno osnovnošolsko izo-
braževanje. Izsledki raziskave ponujajo tudi številne možnosti za nadaljnje
Amagir, A., W. Groot, H. Maassen van den Brink in A. Wilschut. 2018. »A Review
of Financial-Literacy Education Programs for Children and Adolescents.«
Citizenship, Social and Economics Education 17 (1): 56–80.
Andarsari, P. R., in M. N. Ningtyas. 2019. »The Role of Financial Literacy on Finan-
cial Behavior.« Journal of Accounting and Business Education 4 (1): 24–33.
Antoni,Z.L., C. RootmaninF.W.Struwig.2019. »The Influence of Parental Finan-
cial Socialisation Techniques on Student Financial Behaviour.« Interational
Journal of Economics and Finance Studies 11 (2): 72–88.
Arofah, A. A., Y. Purwaningsih in M. Indriayu. 2018. »Financial Literacy, Mate-
rialism and Financial Behavior.« International Journal of Multicultural and
Multireligious Understanding 5 (4): 370–378.
Asaad, C. T. 2015. »Financial Literacy and Financial Behavior: Assessing Knowl-
edge and Confidence.« Financial Services Review 24 (2): 101–117.
Bernheim, B. D., D. M. Garrett in D. M. Maki. 2001. »Education and Saving: The
Long-Term Effects of High School Financial Curriculum Mandates.« Journal
of Public Economics 80 (3): 435–465.
Cannistrà,M., T. Agasisti, A.Amagir, K. Poder, O. Holz,L.Vartiak in K. De Witte.
2022. »A Comparative Analysis of Financial Literacy Levels and Initiatives
among Studentsin Five European Countries.« ResearchinComparativeand
International Education 17 (2): 246–280.
Chawla, D., S. Bhatia in S. Singh. 2022. »Parental Influence, Financial Literacy
and Investment Behaviour of Young Adults.« Journal of Indian Business Re-
search 14 (4): 520–539.
De Oliviera Santini, F., W. Ladeira, F. M. Budiner Mette in M. C. Ponchio. 2019.
»The Antecedents and Consequences of Financial Literacy: A Meta-Analy-
sis.« International Journal of Bank Marketing 37 (6): 1464–1479.
European Commission Directorate-General for Communication, Ipsos Euro-
pean Public Affairs. 2023. Monitoring theLevel of Financial Literacy in theEU: