Page 136 - Izštevanke, izštevalnice in preštevanke v pedagoškem procesu
P. 136


                  The scientific monograph on counting-out rhymes and chants in the pedago-
                  gical process emphasizes their potential for the holistic development of chil-
                  dren. A counting-out rhyme, as an integral part of folk songs, is intended for
                  children‘s play, such as counting out for tag, hide-and-seek, and so forth. The
                  monograph thoroughly presents the theoretical foundations and explains
                  folk songs with and without melody, focusing on counting-out rhymes that
                  enable the development of musical abilities and skills. Through examples of
                  rhythmic activities, we showcase the recreation of counting-out rhyme texts
                  and provide an overview of musical adaptations by Slovenian composers.
                  The monograph also presents texts of Slovenian and foreign counting-out
                    Special attention is devoted to the connection between folk music heritage
                  and visual arts, language, and music in the pedagogical environment, as we
                  believe such a holistic approach enables a more thoughtful and effective use
                  of counting-out rhymes in preschool and school settings. The research we
                  conducted confirmed the importance of counting-out rhymes for the com-
                  prehensive development of children. However, we found that certain forms
                  of rhythmic activities are underutilized due to the insufficient professional
                  knowledge of some educators. Therefore, we suggest promoting additional
                  professional education in this field, which would enrich children‘s musical
                  experiences and contribute to their holistic development.
                    The monograph lays the foundation for further research and utilization of
                  counting-out rhymes in pedagogical work, contributing to the development
                  of professional knowledge and strengthening cultural identity.

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