Page 31 - Učilnica za življenje
P. 31
Igre za izobraževanje o prilagajanju podnebnim spremembam
UN General Assembly. (2015). Transforming our world: The 2030 Agenda for Su-
stainable Development.
United Nations. (1992). United Nations framework convention on climate change
(FCCC/INFORMAL/84 GE.05-62220 (E) 200705).
Vižintin, L. (2022). Ekosistemske storitve, podnebne spremembe in obalna obmo-
čja Natura 2000: priročnik za učitelje. Annales.
Woroniecki, S., Wamsler, C., in Boyd, E. (2019). The promises and pitfalls of
ecosystem-based adaptation to climate change as a vehicle for social em-
powerment. Ecology and Society, 24(2), 4.
Games for Climate Adaptation Education
The concept of transformative adaptation to climate change using ecosystem
approaches is based on a holistic view of socio-ecological systems as a basis for
ensuring the well-being of humanity. The successful and high-quality imple-
mentation of these measures requires community engagement. The biggest
obstacles in this regard are related to individuals’ knowledge, skills, behav-
ior and commitment to proactive environmental action. One of the goals of
climate education is to reduce the gap between environmental awareness
and willingness to act, as environmental problems cannot be solved without
lifestyle changes. The use of games in education is a relatively new approach
that has a positive impact on motivation and willingness to actively partici-
pate. This paper discusses examples of educational games that contribute to a
proaches and benefits of incorporating educational games into learning pro-
cesses were identified. Teachers were provided with an overview of the main
learning concepts and the expected outcomes that can be achieved through
the thoughtful use of the proposed innovative learning tools.
Keywords: climate education, ecosystem approaches to adaptation, educa-
tional tools