Page 38 - Volk, Marina, Štemberger, Tina, Sila, Anita, Kovač, Nives. Ur. 2021. Medpredmetno povezovanje: pot do uresničevanja vzgojno-izobraževalnih ciljev. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 38
jana Marić
Bautista, N. U. 2011. ‘Investigating the Use of Vicarious and Mastery Experi-
ences in Influencing Early Childhood Education Majors’ Self-Efficacy Be-
liefs.’ Journal of Science Teacher Education 22 (4): 33–49.
Carter-Johnson, F. D., M. Mandell, and K. I. Maton. 2009. ‘The Influence of On-
Campus, Academic Year Undergraduate Research on STEM Ph.D. Out-
comes: Evidence From the Meyerhoff Scholarship Program.’ Educational
Evaluation and Policy Analysis 31 (4): 441–462.
Cotabish, A., D. Dailey, A. Robinson, and G. Hughes. 2013. ‘The Effects of a
STEM Intervention on Elementary Students’ Science Knowledge and Skills.’
School Science and Mathematics 113 (5): 215–226.
Deckard, C., D. Quarfoot, and K. C. Csanadi. 2014. ‘Analysis of a Short-Term STEM
Intervention Targeting Middle School Girls and Their Parents (Research to
Practice).’ Paper presented at the 121st ASEE Conference and Exposition,
Indianapolis, IN, 15–18 June.
Eccles, J. S. 1992. ‘School and Family Effects on the Ontogeny of Children’s Inter-
ests, Self-Perceptions, and Activity Choices.’ Nebraska Symposium on Moti-
vation 40:145–208.
El Nagdi, M., F. Leammukda, and R. Gillian. 2018. ‘Developing Identities of STEM
Teachers at Emerging STEM Schools.’ International Journal of STEM Educa-
tion 5:36.
European Commission. 2010. ‘Common European Principles for Teacher Com-
petences and Qualifications.’ European Commission, n. p.
Keller, C. 2001. ‘Effect of Teachers’ Stereotyping on Students’ Stereotyping of
Mathematics as a Male Domain.’ Journal of Social Psychology 141 (2): 165–
Kiemer, K., A. Gröschner, A. K. Pehmer, and T. Seidel. 2015. ‘Effects of a Classroom
Discourse Intervention on Teachers’ Practice and Students’ Motivation to
Learn Mathematics and Science.’ Learning and Instruction 35:94–103.
Margot, K. C., and T. Kettler. 2019. ‘Teachers’ Perception of STEM Integration and
Education: A Systematic Literature Review.’ International Journal of STEM
Education 6:2.
Niehaus, K., K. M. Rudasill, and J. L. Adelson. 2012. ‘Self-Efficacy, Intrinsic Moti-
vation, and Academic Outcomes Among Latino Middle School Students
Participating in an After-School Program.’ Hispanic Journal of Behavioral
Sciences 34 (1): 118–136.
OECD. 2015. PISA for Development Capacity Building Plan: Ecuador. Paris: OECD
———. 2019. PISA 2018 Insights and Interpretations. Paris: OECD Publishing.
Pedro, J. D., P. Wolleat, E. Fennema, and A. D. Becker. 1981. ‘Election of High
School Mathematics by Females and Males: Attributions and Attitudes.’
American Educational Research Journal 18 (2): 207–218.
Robinson, A., D. Dailey, G. Hughes, and A. Cotabish. 2014. ‘The Effects of a
Bautista, N. U. 2011. ‘Investigating the Use of Vicarious and Mastery Experi-
ences in Influencing Early Childhood Education Majors’ Self-Efficacy Be-
liefs.’ Journal of Science Teacher Education 22 (4): 33–49.
Carter-Johnson, F. D., M. Mandell, and K. I. Maton. 2009. ‘The Influence of On-
Campus, Academic Year Undergraduate Research on STEM Ph.D. Out-
comes: Evidence From the Meyerhoff Scholarship Program.’ Educational
Evaluation and Policy Analysis 31 (4): 441–462.
Cotabish, A., D. Dailey, A. Robinson, and G. Hughes. 2013. ‘The Effects of a
STEM Intervention on Elementary Students’ Science Knowledge and Skills.’
School Science and Mathematics 113 (5): 215–226.
Deckard, C., D. Quarfoot, and K. C. Csanadi. 2014. ‘Analysis of a Short-Term STEM
Intervention Targeting Middle School Girls and Their Parents (Research to
Practice).’ Paper presented at the 121st ASEE Conference and Exposition,
Indianapolis, IN, 15–18 June.
Eccles, J. S. 1992. ‘School and Family Effects on the Ontogeny of Children’s Inter-
ests, Self-Perceptions, and Activity Choices.’ Nebraska Symposium on Moti-
vation 40:145–208.
El Nagdi, M., F. Leammukda, and R. Gillian. 2018. ‘Developing Identities of STEM
Teachers at Emerging STEM Schools.’ International Journal of STEM Educa-
tion 5:36.
European Commission. 2010. ‘Common European Principles for Teacher Com-
petences and Qualifications.’ European Commission, n. p.
Keller, C. 2001. ‘Effect of Teachers’ Stereotyping on Students’ Stereotyping of
Mathematics as a Male Domain.’ Journal of Social Psychology 141 (2): 165–
Kiemer, K., A. Gröschner, A. K. Pehmer, and T. Seidel. 2015. ‘Effects of a Classroom
Discourse Intervention on Teachers’ Practice and Students’ Motivation to
Learn Mathematics and Science.’ Learning and Instruction 35:94–103.
Margot, K. C., and T. Kettler. 2019. ‘Teachers’ Perception of STEM Integration and
Education: A Systematic Literature Review.’ International Journal of STEM
Education 6:2.
Niehaus, K., K. M. Rudasill, and J. L. Adelson. 2012. ‘Self-Efficacy, Intrinsic Moti-
vation, and Academic Outcomes Among Latino Middle School Students
Participating in an After-School Program.’ Hispanic Journal of Behavioral
Sciences 34 (1): 118–136.
OECD. 2015. PISA for Development Capacity Building Plan: Ecuador. Paris: OECD
———. 2019. PISA 2018 Insights and Interpretations. Paris: OECD Publishing.
Pedro, J. D., P. Wolleat, E. Fennema, and A. D. Becker. 1981. ‘Election of High
School Mathematics by Females and Males: Attributions and Attitudes.’
American Educational Research Journal 18 (2): 207–218.
Robinson, A., D. Dailey, G. Hughes, and A. Cotabish. 2014. ‘The Effects of a