Page 67 - Volk, Marina, Štemberger, Tina, Sila, Anita, Kovač, Nives. Ur. 2021. Medpredmetno povezovanje: pot do uresničevanja vzgojno-izobraževalnih ciljev. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 67
Interdisciplinarni pristup učenju kroz projektnu nastavu
pored toga što omogućava da se identifikuju nastavni sadržaji koji ulaze u
projektni okvir, predstavlja i bazu iz koje prozilaze dalje aktivnosti koje pro-
jekat obuhvata. Ona omogućava učitelju da postane instruktor koji će uče-
nicima dati konkretne smernice za dalji tok projektnog istraživanja. Neop-
hodno je i u nastavnoj praksi eksperimentalno ispitati njenu efikasnost, što
može predstavljati podsticaj za neka buduća istraživanja.
Rad je nastao u okviru projekta Nastava i učenje: problemi, ciljevi i perspektive,
br. 179026, čiji je nosilac Pedagoški fakultet u Užicu, a koji finansira Ministarstvo
prosvete, nauke i tehniloškog razvoja Republike Srbije.
Ayan, M. 2012. »The Influence of Project Based Learning on elementary School
Students’ Academic Achievement in Science Education.« Journal of Turkish
Educational Sciences 10 (1): 167–183.
Bell, S. 2010. »Project-Based Learning for the 21st Century: Skills for the Future.«
The Clearning House 83 (2): 39–43.
Buljubašić-Kuzmanović, V. 2007. »Studentska prosudba učinkovitosti integra-
tivnog učenja.« Odgojne znanosti 9 (2): 147–160.
Choi, J., B. Kim, J. Lee i Y. Park. 2016. »The Impact of Project Based Learning on
Teacher Self-Efficacy.« KDI School of Public Policyand Managemant Paper
16-05. KDI School of Public Policyand Managemant, Sejong City.
Drake, S. M. 1993. Planning Integrated Curriculum: The Call to Adventure. Alexan-
dria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
Duffy, T., and D. Cunningham. 1996. Constructivism: Implications for the Design
and Delivery of Instruction. New York: Macmillan.
Finch, C. R., N. R. Frantz, M. Mooney i N. O. Aneke, N. O. 1997. Designing the The-
matic Curriculum: An All Aspects Approach. Berkeley, CA: National Center for
Research in Vocational Education and University of California.
Gavin, M. K., T. M. Casa, J. L. Adelson, S. R. Carroll i L. J. Sheffield. 2009. »The
Impact of Advanced Curriculum on the Achievement of Mathematically
Promising Elementary Students.« Gifted Child Quarterly 53 (3): 188–202.
Gerhana, M. T. C., M. Mardiyana i I. Pramudya. 2017. »The Effectiveness of Project
Based Learning in Trigonometry.« Journal of Physics: Conference Series 895
(1): 1–6.
Grant, M. M. 2002. »Getting a grip on project-based learning: Theory, cases and
recommendations.« Meridian: A Middle School Computer Technologies Jour-
nal 5 (1): 1–17.
Huzjak, M. 2016. »The Influence of Intersubject Connection on Student’s Lear-
ning Performance in Art Education.« Croatian Journal of Education: Hrvatski
časopis za odgoj i obrazovanje 18 (2): 85–109.
pored toga što omogućava da se identifikuju nastavni sadržaji koji ulaze u
projektni okvir, predstavlja i bazu iz koje prozilaze dalje aktivnosti koje pro-
jekat obuhvata. Ona omogućava učitelju da postane instruktor koji će uče-
nicima dati konkretne smernice za dalji tok projektnog istraživanja. Neop-
hodno je i u nastavnoj praksi eksperimentalno ispitati njenu efikasnost, što
može predstavljati podsticaj za neka buduća istraživanja.
Rad je nastao u okviru projekta Nastava i učenje: problemi, ciljevi i perspektive,
br. 179026, čiji je nosilac Pedagoški fakultet u Užicu, a koji finansira Ministarstvo
prosvete, nauke i tehniloškog razvoja Republike Srbije.
Ayan, M. 2012. »The Influence of Project Based Learning on elementary School
Students’ Academic Achievement in Science Education.« Journal of Turkish
Educational Sciences 10 (1): 167–183.
Bell, S. 2010. »Project-Based Learning for the 21st Century: Skills for the Future.«
The Clearning House 83 (2): 39–43.
Buljubašić-Kuzmanović, V. 2007. »Studentska prosudba učinkovitosti integra-
tivnog učenja.« Odgojne znanosti 9 (2): 147–160.
Choi, J., B. Kim, J. Lee i Y. Park. 2016. »The Impact of Project Based Learning on
Teacher Self-Efficacy.« KDI School of Public Policyand Managemant Paper
16-05. KDI School of Public Policyand Managemant, Sejong City.
Drake, S. M. 1993. Planning Integrated Curriculum: The Call to Adventure. Alexan-
dria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
Duffy, T., and D. Cunningham. 1996. Constructivism: Implications for the Design
and Delivery of Instruction. New York: Macmillan.
Finch, C. R., N. R. Frantz, M. Mooney i N. O. Aneke, N. O. 1997. Designing the The-
matic Curriculum: An All Aspects Approach. Berkeley, CA: National Center for
Research in Vocational Education and University of California.
Gavin, M. K., T. M. Casa, J. L. Adelson, S. R. Carroll i L. J. Sheffield. 2009. »The
Impact of Advanced Curriculum on the Achievement of Mathematically
Promising Elementary Students.« Gifted Child Quarterly 53 (3): 188–202.
Gerhana, M. T. C., M. Mardiyana i I. Pramudya. 2017. »The Effectiveness of Project
Based Learning in Trigonometry.« Journal of Physics: Conference Series 895
(1): 1–6.
Grant, M. M. 2002. »Getting a grip on project-based learning: Theory, cases and
recommendations.« Meridian: A Middle School Computer Technologies Jour-
nal 5 (1): 1–17.
Huzjak, M. 2016. »The Influence of Intersubject Connection on Student’s Lear-
ning Performance in Art Education.« Croatian Journal of Education: Hrvatski
časopis za odgoj i obrazovanje 18 (2): 85–109.