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Interdisciplinarni pristup učenju kroz projektnu nastavu

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Interdisciplinary Approach to Learning through Project Teaching
in Lower Grades of Primary School
In this paper, the authors draw attention to the importance and values of an
interdisciplinary approach and cross-curricular linking within the learning pro-
cess through the model of project teaching. The introduction of such approach
to learning in lower grades of primary school enables students in early stages
of education to learn to explore independently, approach problem solving in-
terdisciplinary and integrate the knowledge they acquire into a single logical
structure. The specific example of the project theme The past of my region
presents a model of project-teaching planning based on a matrix that con-
tains subjects among which integration links are established, operationalized
outcomes and contents by which they are achieved. The mentioned topic was
then broken down into narrower sub-topics and concretized through research
assignments within each subject. The importance of the presented model is re-
flected in the fact that the matrix, in addition to enabling the identification of
teaching contents included in the project framework, is the base from which
further activities the project compasses are derived.
Keywords: interdisciplinary approach, project teaching, integration, lesson
planning, primary school lower grades

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