Page 381 - Čotar Konrad Sonja, Borota Bogdana, Rutar Sonja, Drljić Karmen, Jelovčan Giuliana. Ur. 2022. Vzgoja in izobraževanje predšolskih otrok prvega starostnega obdobja. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 381
Stališča do pomena uspavanke v zgodnjem otroštvu nekoč in danes

Attitudes toward the Relevance of the Lullaby in Early Childhood
in the Past and Today
The lullaby was inseparably linked to childhood in the past and has also been
a part of it in the present time. From the viewpoint of ethnomusicology, it rep-
resents one of the most ancient forms of children’s folk song. Recent research
has investigated its relevance in relation to inculturation, the period when the
baby and the toddler are getting used to sounds and music from the environ-
ment. As listening to singing (a lullaby) is a first time the child gets experience
with music, the attitudes of adults to the discussed topic are extremely rele-
vant. With the purpose in view to gather information on their attitudes toward
the lullaby as a part of cultural heritage and on what relevance they ascribe to
it for child’s early musical development, preschool teachers and students train-
ing for the job of preschool teachers were included in the research. The results
indicate the surveyees (all of them feminine) have a positive attitude toward
the relevance of the lullaby for child’s early musical development. They agree
to a very large extent that lullabies represent living heritage that needs to be
preserved and cultivated for future generations, especially in modern times,
when parents are overburdened and the environment is saturated with tech-
nology. They agree to a very large extent that today for children lullabies rep-
resent relevant musical experience in the framework of which (musical) com-
munication gets established between the child and the adult. As at home lul-
labies are sung more often than at preschool, potential seems to be present
for closer cooperation between teachers and parents in establishing musically
rich as well as safe and trusting learning environment in preschool.
Keywords: musical cultural heritage, musical development at the age up to
three years, lullaby, attitudes of preschool children toward the lullaby

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