Page 196 - Retar, Iztok. 2022. Zgodnje gibalno učenje in poučevanje. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 196
dnje gibalno učenje in poučevanje

may well be a bridge between theory and practice, a link between the virtu-
al and the completely real worlds. The book provides an overview of the most
common didactic principles, important teaching techniques, and teaching
methods. Examined in detail are play and story as the most important compo-
nents of motor teaching in early childhood. Didactic motor play and elemen-
tary motor games, generally the most common choice of preschool teachers
when working with children, are discussed in greater depth.

The chapter on evaluation underlines that it is important to use tests, me-
asurements and marking when planning a suitable teaching process and to
use the obtained outcomes as indicators of teaching success. Also included
is a review of the most common examples of poor pedagogical practices, the
aim of which is to highlight the aspects teachers should be particularly care-
ful about in their work. A major focus is also placed on the topic of ensuring
safety in motor teaching, which includes a detailed explanation of the term
sporting accident and a look at how to assess the risk of sporting accidents and
how to prevent injuries. Also briefly discussed is the topic of lifelong motor le-
arning, which involves all the approaches to teaching as well – from formal, in-
formal/incidental, to entirely nonformal. The chapter on the management of
motor development mainly discusses the process of coordinating the key fa-
ctors that allow for an effective fulfilment of the goals and objectives in terms
of planning, organization, implementation and evaluation of motor teaching.
Quality management can be recognized by having already selected teaching
subjects and techniques which can directly serve as a teaching goal.

To provide a simple summary of the teaching strategy’s key starting po-
ints, the book also presents a collection of guidelines on how to provide chil-
dren with quality, effective treatment in the area of motor teaching in order
to enable them to learn elementary and complex movement patterns in an
enjoyable and healthy way. The chapter on innovative motor teaching pre-
sents, among other things, a copyrighted 4 P model, which comprises four sta-
ges: demand and expectation among students; adaptation and simplification;
supply, and help and support.

The final section of the book provides explanations of a selection of terms
the most commonly used in motor teaching, thereby drawing a meaningful
connection between the substance and methods of studying effective appro-
aches and techniques for motor teaching in early childhood and the aim of re-
freshing and deepening the competences of preschool/school teachers in the
field of kinesiology.

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