Page 193 - Retar, Iztok. 2022. Zgodnje gibalno učenje in poučevanje. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 193

Modern technological development is changing our society – and indirectly
also the teaching strategies and methods. The world has indeed changed: it
demands innovativeness, adaptability, effectiveness and high responsiveness.
The methods of addressing new expectations, also in teaching, differ from the
approaches that might have been used a decade ago, and this despite the fact
that education is regarded as a conservative, slow-to-respond sphere of activ-
ity. The process of change itself is undergoing changes, and the introduction
of innovations into the teaching of motor skills is becoming a major day-to-
day challenge faced by school/preschool teachers. Today, more than ever be-
fore, preschool teachers have an important role and function to help children
develop motor skills early on in their childhood and to raise their awareness of
the importance, benefits and advantages of physical activity in a healthy en-
vironment. In order to ensure effective teaching, however, preschool teach-
ers need to possess suitable general and specialized knowledge, abilities and
motivation to be fully competent in fulfilling the duties and mission of teach-
ing. This is why the book’s principal aim is to examine and present select chap-
ters from the field of anthropological kinesiology that may help broaden and
deepen the knowledge applicable to the teaching of motor skills in early

The first part of the book focuses on identifying the characteristics of mo-
tor development in children, since at this stage of life children are the most
exposed to numerous external influences, both positive and negative. It is on-
ly with carefully planned and implemented movement activities that we can

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