Page 195 - Kroflič, R., S. Rutar in B. Borota, ur. 2022. Umetnost v vzgoji v vrtcih in šolah: projekt SKUM. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 195
Razvoj sporazumevalne zmožnosti v glasbenem jeziku v projektu SKUM

Developing Communicative Competences in Musical Language
in the SKUM Project
The project Developing Communication Competences through Cultural-Art
Education (2017–2022) enables children and young people to meet artists and
different artistic languages in authentic learning environments. Project activi-
ties in the field of music encourage the development of communicative com-
petences in musical language. During the SKUM project, we held five musi-
cal events performed ‘in-person’ with students at the Primary School Pivka.
They participated as performers, listeners and creators as well as taking part
in thematic activities, led by the guest musical artist. Through various activi-
ties, they got to explore different aspects of the professional life of musicians.
Each event was planned, performed and evaluated by a team composed of
a guest musician, music teacher and researcher (professional supervisor). The
student’s holistic experiences of each event as well as their impressions of the
artist were presented in the research findings. The students most often charac-
terized musical events as interesting and fun. They immensely enjoyed it when
the artist included them in playing instruments when they were dancing, cre-
ating in groups and singing. The activities with the artist helped them improve
their understanding and memorize the musical content. Although their per-
spective toward classical music did not alter, they emphasized that the artists
presented it in an interesting way. They liked the inclusion of popular music
and jazz. The SKUM project musical events enriched their everyday school life.
The analysis of the collaboration between the artist, teacher and researcher
showed a successful interaction and the synergy of their artistic, didactic and
research expertise.
Keywords: cultural-art education, music, SKUM project, musical events, musical

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