Page 111 - Črtomir, Prešeren in njun(i) kontekst(i)
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Reprezentacija več kot človeškega sveta v Krstu pri Savici v ogledalu angleške romantike
Feder, Helena. 2002. »Ecocriticism, New Historicism, and Romantic Apo-
strophe.« V The Greening of Literary Scholarship: Literature, Theory, and
the Environment, uredil Steven Rosendale, 42–58. Iowa City, i a: Univer-
sity of Iowa Press.
Fulford, Tim. 2006. Romantic Indians: Native Americans, British Literature,
and Transatlantic Culture 1756–1830. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Garrard, Greg. 2004. Ecocriticism. London in New York: Routledge.
Gifford, Terry. 1999. Pastoral. London in New York: Routledge.
Hay, Pete R. 1988. »The Contemporary Environment Movement as Neo-
Romanticism: A Re-Appraisal from Tasmania.« Environmental History
Review 12 (4): 39–59.
Hess, Scott. 2012. William Wordsworth and the Ecology of Authorship: the Roots
of Environmentalism in Nineteenth-Century Culture. Charlottesville, va,
in London: University of Virginia Press.
Hitt, Christopher. 1999. »Toward an Ecological Sublime.« New Literary Hi-
story 30 (3): 603–623.
———. 2004. »Ecocriticism and the Long Eighteenth Century.« College Li-
terature 31 (3): 123–147.
Hutchings, Kevin. 2009. Romantic Ecologies and Colonial Cultures in the Bri-
tish Atlantic World, 1770–1850. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University
Jurša Potocco, Barbara. 2016. »Ekokritika.« Doktorska disertacija, Univerza
v Ljubljani.
Kant, Immanuel. 1999. Kritika razsodne moči. Prevod in spremna beseda Ra-
do Riha. Ljubljana: Založba z rc.
Kernev Štrajn, Jelka. 2009. Renesansa alegorije: alegorija, simbol, fragment.
Ljubljana: Založba z rc.
Kos, Janko. 1970. Prešeren in evropska romantika. Ljubljana: Državna založba
———. 1987. Primerjalna zgodovina slovenske literature. Ljubljana: Znanstve-
ni inštitut Filozofske fakultete v Ljubljani.
———. 1994. »Prešeren in krščanstvo.« Slavistična revija 42 (1): 1–16.
Kroeber, Karl. 1994. Ecological Literary Criticism: Romantic Imagining and the
Biology of Mind. New York: Columbia University Press.
McKusick, James C. 2000. Green Writing: Romantic and Ecology. New York:
St. Martin’s.
Morton, Timothy. 2009. Ecology without Nature: Rethinking Environmental
Aesthetics. Harvard University Press.
———. 2010. The Ecological Thought. Cambridge, m a: Harvard University
Nichols, Ashton. 2011. Beyond Romantic Ecocriticism: Toward Urbanatural Ro-
osting. New York in Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan.
Feder, Helena. 2002. »Ecocriticism, New Historicism, and Romantic Apo-
strophe.« V The Greening of Literary Scholarship: Literature, Theory, and
the Environment, uredil Steven Rosendale, 42–58. Iowa City, i a: Univer-
sity of Iowa Press.
Fulford, Tim. 2006. Romantic Indians: Native Americans, British Literature,
and Transatlantic Culture 1756–1830. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Garrard, Greg. 2004. Ecocriticism. London in New York: Routledge.
Gifford, Terry. 1999. Pastoral. London in New York: Routledge.
Hay, Pete R. 1988. »The Contemporary Environment Movement as Neo-
Romanticism: A Re-Appraisal from Tasmania.« Environmental History
Review 12 (4): 39–59.
Hess, Scott. 2012. William Wordsworth and the Ecology of Authorship: the Roots
of Environmentalism in Nineteenth-Century Culture. Charlottesville, va,
in London: University of Virginia Press.
Hitt, Christopher. 1999. »Toward an Ecological Sublime.« New Literary Hi-
story 30 (3): 603–623.
———. 2004. »Ecocriticism and the Long Eighteenth Century.« College Li-
terature 31 (3): 123–147.
Hutchings, Kevin. 2009. Romantic Ecologies and Colonial Cultures in the Bri-
tish Atlantic World, 1770–1850. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University
Jurša Potocco, Barbara. 2016. »Ekokritika.« Doktorska disertacija, Univerza
v Ljubljani.
Kant, Immanuel. 1999. Kritika razsodne moči. Prevod in spremna beseda Ra-
do Riha. Ljubljana: Založba z rc.
Kernev Štrajn, Jelka. 2009. Renesansa alegorije: alegorija, simbol, fragment.
Ljubljana: Založba z rc.
Kos, Janko. 1970. Prešeren in evropska romantika. Ljubljana: Državna založba
———. 1987. Primerjalna zgodovina slovenske literature. Ljubljana: Znanstve-
ni inštitut Filozofske fakultete v Ljubljani.
———. 1994. »Prešeren in krščanstvo.« Slavistična revija 42 (1): 1–16.
Kroeber, Karl. 1994. Ecological Literary Criticism: Romantic Imagining and the
Biology of Mind. New York: Columbia University Press.
McKusick, James C. 2000. Green Writing: Romantic and Ecology. New York:
St. Martin’s.
Morton, Timothy. 2009. Ecology without Nature: Rethinking Environmental
Aesthetics. Harvard University Press.
———. 2010. The Ecological Thought. Cambridge, m a: Harvard University
Nichols, Ashton. 2011. Beyond Romantic Ecocriticism: Toward Urbanatural Ro-
osting. New York in Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan.