Page 119 - Istenič Andreja, Gačnik Mateja, Horvat Barbara, Kukanja Gabrijelčič Mojca, Kiswarday Vanja Riccarda, Lebeničnik Maja, Mezgec Maja, Volk Marina. Ur. 2023. Vzgoja in izobraževanje med preteklostjo in prihodnostjo. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 119
Robotska podpora pri pouku

Kennedy, J., S. Lemaignan in T. Belpaeme. 2016. »The Cautious Attitude of Te-
achers Towards Social Robots in Schools.« V IEEE International Symposium
on Robot and Human Interactive Communication. Piscataway, NJ: Institute
of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.

Kiesler, S., A. Powers, S. R. Fussell in C. Torrey. 2008. »Anthropomorphic Interac-
tions with a Robot and Robot-Like Agent.« Social Cognition 26 (2): 169–181.

Kopacek, P. 2014. »Ethical and Social Aspects of Robots.« IFAC Proceedings Volu-
mes 47 (3): 11425–11430.

Li, J. 2015. »The Benefit of Being Physically Present: A Survey of Experimen-
tal Works Comparing Copresent Robots, Telepresent Robots and Virtual
Agents.« International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 77:23–37.

Lin, C. H., E. Z. F. Liu in Y. Y. Huang. 2012. »Exploring Parents’ Perceptions Towards
Educational Robots: Gender and Socio-Economic Differences.« British Jo-
urnal of Educational Technology 43 (1): 31–34.

Linert, J., in P. Kopacek. 2018. »Humanoid Robots Robotainment.« IFAC-Papers-
OnLine 51 (30): 220–225.

Mathur, M. B., in D. B. Reichling. 2016. »Navigating a Social World with Robot
Partners: A Quantitative Cartography of the Uncanny Valley.« Cognition

Mori, M. 1970. »The Uncanny Valley.« Energy 7 (4): 33–35.
Mubin, O., C. J. Stevens, S. Shahid, A. A. Mahmud in J. J. Dong. 2013. »A Review

of the Applicability of Robots in Education.« Technology for Education and
Newton, D. P., in L. D. Newton. 2019. »Humanoid Robots as Teachers and a Pro-
posed Code of Practice.« Frontiers in Education 4 (125).
Nikolić, G. 2016. »Robotska edukacija: ›Robotska pismenost‹ ante portas?« An-
dragoški glasnik 20 (1–2): 25–57.
Nomura, T. 2017. »Robots and Gender.« Gender and the Genome 1 (1): 18–25.
Pachidis, T., E. Vrochidou, V. G. Kaburlasos, S. Kostova, M. Bonković in V. Papić.
2019. »Social Robotics in Education: State-of-the-Art and Directions.« V Ad-
vances in Service and Industrial Robotics, uredili N. A. Aspragathos, P. N. Ko-
ustoumpardis in V. C. Moulianitis, 689–700. Cham: Springer.
Rosanda, V., in A. Istenič Starčič. 2019. »A Review of Social Robots in Classrooms:
Emerging Educational Technology and Teacher Education.« Education and
Self Development 14 (3): 93–106.
———. 2020. »The Robot in the Classroom: A Review of a Robot Role.« V Emer-
ging Technologies for Education: 4th International Symposium, SETE 2019,
uredili E. Popescu, T. Hao, T. C. Hsu, H. Xie, M. Temperini in W. Chen, 347–357.
Cham: Springer.
———. 2021. »A Stranger in the Classroom: Pre-Service Teachers’ Anxiety and
Negative Attitudes Toward Humanoid Social Robots.« V Culture and Com-

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