Page 585 - Istenič Andreja, Gačnik Mateja, Horvat Barbara, Kukanja Gabrijelčič Mojca, Kiswarday Vanja Riccarda, Lebeničnik Maja, Mezgec Maja, Volk Marina. Ur. 2023. Vzgoja in izobraževanje med preteklostjo in prihodnostjo. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 585
Povezanost med študenti med izvedbo študija na daljavo
Connection between Students During Distance Learning
The reflections of this paper focus on findings about the importance of so-
cial interactions between students and the interactive didactic implementa-
tion of study. The research examined students’ experiences of connecting with
other students during distance learning. The purpose of the research was to
find out what factors determine differences in students’ experiences of con-
necting with other students and what relationships exist between these and
other factors. The results showed that the experience of connectedness with
other students differs according to gender and psychological distress, and that
there are statistically significant relationships between the experience of con-
nectedness with other students and other study factors. Based on the findings,
the opportunities for students’ social connectedness through interactive deliv-
ery of the study process are highlighted, regardless of the delivery mode. The
findings pose a didactic challenge to higher education institutions to create
an interactive study environment that supports students according to their in-
dividual positions while challenging them to establish interactions with other
Keywords: connection between students, interactions, interactivity, didactic
challenges, distance learning
Connection between Students During Distance Learning
The reflections of this paper focus on findings about the importance of so-
cial interactions between students and the interactive didactic implementa-
tion of study. The research examined students’ experiences of connecting with
other students during distance learning. The purpose of the research was to
find out what factors determine differences in students’ experiences of con-
necting with other students and what relationships exist between these and
other factors. The results showed that the experience of connectedness with
other students differs according to gender and psychological distress, and that
there are statistically significant relationships between the experience of con-
nectedness with other students and other study factors. Based on the findings,
the opportunities for students’ social connectedness through interactive deliv-
ery of the study process are highlighted, regardless of the delivery mode. The
findings pose a didactic challenge to higher education institutions to create
an interactive study environment that supports students according to their in-
dividual positions while challenging them to establish interactions with other
Keywords: connection between students, interactions, interactivity, didactic
challenges, distance learning