Page 122 - Homo senescens II: izbrane teme
P. 122

Lučka Lorber in Peter Glavič

                       cohesion. The mission is focused on education, teaching, research and innova-
                       the quality of life. It is aligned with the goals of an innovative, sustainable and
                       socially responsible university. The strategic goal of the University of Maribor
                       is the establishment of a system of lifelong learning that will be open, flexi-
                       ble, and adapted to individual learning goals, individual needs and interests
                       by providing shorter forms of education with the aim of sustainable develop-
                       ment of society. The active involvement of retired university teachers, both in
                       research and development projects and in pedagogical work, means added
                       value. Different intergenerational views are crucial for the development of a
                       humane, democratic society, which must be the basic mission of academic in-
                       stitutions in ensuring sustainable development. The centre achieves its goals
                       of making the University of Maribor an age-friendly university institutionally
                       at the academic level and generationally in collaboration with students.
                       Keywords: smart ageing, age-friendly university, lifelong learning, intergener-
                       ational learning, knowledge, competences, innovative approaches

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