Page 215 - Homo senescens II: izbrane teme
P. 215

Trije pristopi k razumevanju transformativnega učenja starejših v javnih odprtih prostorih

                  Vogrinc, J. 2008. Kvalitativno raziskovanje na pedagoškem področju. Ljubljana:
                     Pedagoška fakulteta.
                  Worpole, K., in K. Knox. 2007. The Social Value of Public Spaces. York: Joseph Ro-
                     wntree Foundation.

                  Three Approaches to Understanding Transformative Learning
                  for Older People in Public Open Spaces
                  The paper discusses three approaches to understanding transformative learn-
                  ing for older people in a public open space at the Path of Remembrance and
                  how it determines learning for older people. We then introduce the theory of
                  transformative learning and focus on the changes that transformative learn-
                  ing promotes at the micro, meso and macro levels. In the empirical section, we
                  examine how the Path as a public open space enables and promotes change
                  at the individual level, how it facilitates transpersonal change, and how social
                  change occurs in public open spaces. We find that a public open space facili-
                  tates transformative learning for older people at all three levels and that public
                  open spaces are important for identity formation.
                  Keywords: transformative learning, older people, public open space

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