Page 119 - Učilnica za življenje
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Povezovanje angleščine in spoznavanja okolja v tretjem razredu
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Teaching English and Environmental Topics in Third Grade Using CLIL
and the Enquiry-Based Approach
This paper explores the potential of integrating the CLIL and inquiry-based
approaches in the primary foreign language (FL) classroom. In CLIL, a non-
language subject, such as environmental studies, is taught through a FL, while
the inquiry-based approach encourages pupils’ learning through discovery
and exploration. Both approaches put great emphasis on the promotion of
thinking at higher cognitive levels. In thisway, general competences, including
those for sustainable development, can also be effectively developed through
FL teaching. We present the results of a study aimed at analysing the possi-
bilities and advantages of integrating environmental content into EFL using
an inquiry-based approach. The study involved 30 third-grade students who
carried out project work in their English lessons during nine school periods.
A triangulation of data collection was used, i.e. observation, analysis of the fi-
nal product and a questionnaire. The results of the study show that the ap-
proaches examined promote students’ motivation and engagement in the ac-
tivities and have a positive impact on the development of students’ FL com-
Keywords: inquiry-based approach, CLIL, project work, cross-curricular con-
tent, environmental studies