Page 49 - Učilnica za življenje
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The Influence of Experiential Learning on Knowledge and Attitudes
towards Earthworms and Compost in First Grade Elementary
School Students
The study used experiential and frontal teaching in two groups of primary
school pupils to investigate whether the teaching approach influences pupils’
knowledge and understanding of certain scientific topics. It also investigated
whether direct experiences have an influence on the reduction of misconcep-
tions and prejudices about animals. Before and after the classroom activities,
pupils’ knowledge of the composting process and the characteristics and life
composting. The analysis revealed that the knowledge of the first graders who
received experiential learning was significantly higher and they had fewer mis-
conceptions and prejudices about earthworms and composting than the stu-
dents in the group that received only frontal instruction. These results support
the assumption that experiential learning outperforms simple frontal instruc-
tion in terms of reducing misconceptions.
Keywords: experiential learning, frontal teaching, natural science learning,
earthworms, composting, misconceptions in science