Page 130 - Volk, Marina, Štemberger, Tina, Sila, Anita, Kovač, Nives. Ur. 2021. Medpredmetno povezovanje: pot do uresničevanja vzgojno-izobraževalnih ciljev. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 130
reja Ajdovec in Tadeja Volmut
Lambourne in A. N. Szabo-Reed. 2017. »Physical Activity, Fitness, Cognitive
Function, and Academic Achievement in Children: A Systematic Review.«
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 48 (6): 1197-1222.
Donnelly, J. E., in K. Lambourne, K. 2011. »Classroom-Based Physical Activity,
Cognition, and Academic Achievement.« Preventive Medicine 52:36–42.
Evropska komisija/EACEA/Eurydice. 2013. Športna vzgoja in šport v šolah v
Evropi: poročilo Eurydice. Ljubljana: Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, znanost
in šport
Freedson, P., D. Pober in K. F. Janz. 2005. »Calibration of Accelerometer Output
for Children.« Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 37 (11): 523–530.
Ginja, S., B. Arnott, V. Araujo-Soares, A. Namdeo in E. McColl. 2017. »Feasibility
of an Incentive Scheme to Promote Active Travel to School: A Pilot Cluster
Randomised Trial.« Pilot and Feasibility Studies 3 (1): 1–13.
Godard, C., Romań, M., Del Pilar Rodríguez, M., Leyton, B. in Salazar, G. 2012.
»Variabilidad de la actividad física en niños Chilenos de 4 a 10 años: estudio
por acelerometría.« Archivos Argentinos de Pediatria 110 (5): 388–393.
Goh, T. L., J. Hannon, C. Webster, L. Podlog in M. Newton. 2016. »Effects of a
TAKE 10! Classroom-Based Physical Activity Intervention on Third- to Fifth-
Grade Children’s On-Task Behavior.« Journal of Physical Activity and Health
13 (7): 712–718.
Hamer, M., D. Aggio, G. Knock, C. Kipps, A. Shankar in L. Smith. 2017. »Effect of
Major School Playground Reconstruction on Physical Activity and Seden-
tary Behaviour: Camden Active Spaces.« BMC Public Health 17 (1): 1–8.
Have, M., J. Have Nielsen, A. Kær Gejl, M. Thomsen Ernst, K. Fredens, J. Toftega-
ard Støckel, N. Wedderkopp, S. L. Domazet, C. Gudex, A. Grøntved in P. L.
Kristensen. 2016. »Rationale and Design of a Randomized Controlled Trial
Examining the Effect of Classroom-Based Physical Activity on Math Achie-
vement.« BMC Public Health 16 (1): 1–11.
Henderson, M., A. Benedetti in K. Gray-Donald. 2014. »Dietary Composition and
Its Associations with Insulin Sensitivity and Insulin Secretion in Youth.« Bri-
tish Journal of Nutrition 111 (3): 527–534.
Honas, J. J., R. A. Washburn, B. K. Smith, J. L. Greene in J. E. Donnelly. 2008.
»Energy Expenditure of the Physical Activity across the Curriculum Inter-
vention.« Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 40 (8): 1501-1505.
Howie, E. K., J. Schatz in R. R. Pate. 2015. »Acute Effects of Classroom Exercise
Breaks on Executive Function and Math Performance: A Dose-Response
Study.« Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport 86 (3): 217–224.
Ickes, M. J., H. Erwin in A. Beighle. 2013. »Systematic Review of Recess Interven-
tions to Increase Physical Activity.« Journal of Physical Activity and Health
10 (6): 910–926.
Innerd, A. L., L. B. Azevedo in A. M. Batterham. 2019. »The Effect of a Curriculum-
Based Physical Activity Intervention on Accelerometer-Assessed Physical
Lambourne in A. N. Szabo-Reed. 2017. »Physical Activity, Fitness, Cognitive
Function, and Academic Achievement in Children: A Systematic Review.«
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 48 (6): 1197-1222.
Donnelly, J. E., in K. Lambourne, K. 2011. »Classroom-Based Physical Activity,
Cognition, and Academic Achievement.« Preventive Medicine 52:36–42.
Evropska komisija/EACEA/Eurydice. 2013. Športna vzgoja in šport v šolah v
Evropi: poročilo Eurydice. Ljubljana: Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, znanost
in šport
Freedson, P., D. Pober in K. F. Janz. 2005. »Calibration of Accelerometer Output
for Children.« Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 37 (11): 523–530.
Ginja, S., B. Arnott, V. Araujo-Soares, A. Namdeo in E. McColl. 2017. »Feasibility
of an Incentive Scheme to Promote Active Travel to School: A Pilot Cluster
Randomised Trial.« Pilot and Feasibility Studies 3 (1): 1–13.
Godard, C., Romań, M., Del Pilar Rodríguez, M., Leyton, B. in Salazar, G. 2012.
»Variabilidad de la actividad física en niños Chilenos de 4 a 10 años: estudio
por acelerometría.« Archivos Argentinos de Pediatria 110 (5): 388–393.
Goh, T. L., J. Hannon, C. Webster, L. Podlog in M. Newton. 2016. »Effects of a
TAKE 10! Classroom-Based Physical Activity Intervention on Third- to Fifth-
Grade Children’s On-Task Behavior.« Journal of Physical Activity and Health
13 (7): 712–718.
Hamer, M., D. Aggio, G. Knock, C. Kipps, A. Shankar in L. Smith. 2017. »Effect of
Major School Playground Reconstruction on Physical Activity and Seden-
tary Behaviour: Camden Active Spaces.« BMC Public Health 17 (1): 1–8.
Have, M., J. Have Nielsen, A. Kær Gejl, M. Thomsen Ernst, K. Fredens, J. Toftega-
ard Støckel, N. Wedderkopp, S. L. Domazet, C. Gudex, A. Grøntved in P. L.
Kristensen. 2016. »Rationale and Design of a Randomized Controlled Trial
Examining the Effect of Classroom-Based Physical Activity on Math Achie-
vement.« BMC Public Health 16 (1): 1–11.
Henderson, M., A. Benedetti in K. Gray-Donald. 2014. »Dietary Composition and
Its Associations with Insulin Sensitivity and Insulin Secretion in Youth.« Bri-
tish Journal of Nutrition 111 (3): 527–534.
Honas, J. J., R. A. Washburn, B. K. Smith, J. L. Greene in J. E. Donnelly. 2008.
»Energy Expenditure of the Physical Activity across the Curriculum Inter-
vention.« Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 40 (8): 1501-1505.
Howie, E. K., J. Schatz in R. R. Pate. 2015. »Acute Effects of Classroom Exercise
Breaks on Executive Function and Math Performance: A Dose-Response
Study.« Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport 86 (3): 217–224.
Ickes, M. J., H. Erwin in A. Beighle. 2013. »Systematic Review of Recess Interven-
tions to Increase Physical Activity.« Journal of Physical Activity and Health
10 (6): 910–926.
Innerd, A. L., L. B. Azevedo in A. M. Batterham. 2019. »The Effect of a Curriculum-
Based Physical Activity Intervention on Accelerometer-Assessed Physical