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Attitudes of Students of Primary School Teaching towards Teaching Civic
Education Contents as a Cross-Curricular Connection
The article focuses on the teaching of civic education contents, one of the
key topics which, in addition to knowledge, provide students with the skills
and competences. According to national and international authors, cross-
curricular integration greatly enriches the educational process, offers many
other benefits to all participants in the process, and encourages students to
think critically. The article is based on the results of research that examined
the opinion of students, future primary school teachers, on cross-curricular
integration in the learning content of civic education during their studies. 141
students were included in the study. Based on quantitative research, it was
found that students acquire the most knowledge about civic education in the
subject Pedagogy and in subjects from the Social Sciences field. The results of
the research show that students submit higher assessments of the importance
of cross-curricular integration compare to the self-assessment about the com-
petence in the use of cross-curricular integration. Also as the most prominent
barrier limiting them in the uses of cross-curricular integration in teaching,
they highlight the lack of knowledge.
Keywords: civic education, cross-curricular teaching, primary school teaching,

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