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Music Activities as a Connection Element in the Third Educational Cycle
of Basic School Education
Article focuses on performing, listening and creating music as fundamental
activities of school subject Music in the third educational cycle of basic school
education. Activities represent factors of musical culture and derive from the
nature of music as an Art. As an encouragement of the learning process within
the interdisciplinary curriculum they can lead to achieving holistic and longer
lasting knowledge and promote the growth in all domains of the child devel-
opment. By seeking common content, concepts, objectives and processes in
Music and other compulsory school subjects in the third educational cycle of
basic school some basis for interdisciplinary curriuculum are presented. With
intent of promoting practice and by analizing Music and other school subject
curriculums we highlight some possible options for interdisciplinary connec-
tions in order to achieve knowledge, experiences and processes within holistic
Keywords: basic school, subject music, interdisciplinary curriculum, third edu-
cational cycle, musical activities

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