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Preschool Teachers Opinion on Cross-Sectoral Integration of Children
in the First Age Period
The child discovers knowledge independently or following a path guided by
pedagogues, however, research and experience show that coincidence does
not prove to be a strong value within the process of learning. For future edu-
cation, the diverse needs of children need to present a challenge to a teacher
who plans and implements activities in kindergarten, and a challenge of how
to shape the learning process so that every child can achieve optimal results.
This is the path of research, cooperation, modification and a never-ending pro-
cess of finding the optimal solutions. In kindergarten, we can see these solu-
tions primarily in cross-sectoral integration and modern learning strategies,
supported by modern stimulating and innovative learning environment. The
paper presents the results of the research that was aimed at finding out how
the teachers promote the curricular areas of learning about language, nature,
movement and music and where they see the possibilities of cross-sectoral in-
tegration of these areas in the first age period.

Keywords: cross-sectoral integration, language, movement, music, nature,
opinion of pedagogues, first age period

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