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Distance Dormitory Group Education during the COVID-19 Epidemic
for Adolescents with Intellectual Disabilities
This paper explores the perspectives of educators and adolescents with intel-
lectual disabilities (I/DD) on dormitory group education during the COVID-19
epidemic in Slovenia. The qualitative study, which involved six participants
(four adolescents and two educators) with experience of distance dormitory
group education, focuses primarily on two aspects, namely: (1) the transition to
distance dormitory activities and education, and (2) the experiences and lived
experiences of distance education for adolescents with I/DD and their educa-
tors. The results of the research show that the experience of distance education
in the primary family environment and the related experiences of adolescents
and educators are associated with a number of difficult situations and obsta-
cles arising from material and technical conditions, the experience of their own
readiness for this type of work, the complexity of social environment relation-
ships, the environment of social and economic deprivation and the need to

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