Page 343 - Drobnič Janez, Pelc Stanko, Kukanja Gabrijelčič Mojca, Česnik Katarina, Cotič Nastja, Volmut Tadeja. Ur. 2023. Vzgoja in izobraževanje v času covida-19. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 343
Izziv praktičnega učenja študentov ob podpori šolanju na daljavo v času covida-19

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The Challenge of Practicum Learning in Support of Distance Learning
during COVID-19
This article addresses the challenge of student practicum learning in the con-
text of the declared COVID-19 pandemic and the closure of educational insti-
tutions. It relates to experiential learning in an authentic environment of emer-
gency situations. The qualitative analysis focuses on the reflections of the ex-
periences of 52 social pedagogy students from the Faculty of Education at the
University of Ljubljana who provided distance learning support in the COVID-
19 situation. The results of the analysis show that students classify the expe-
rience of distance support on a time continuum and determine it with posi-
tive and negative dimensions. They also identify many benefits for professional
work. Key findings highlight the learning environment, one’s confrontational
limits in an emergency, and the importance of learning how to respond to cur-
rent social needs and prepare professionally for emergencies.
Keywords: practical pedagogical training, support for children and adolescents
in distance education, experiential learning, COVID-19

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