Page 439 - Drobnič Janez, Pelc Stanko, Kukanja Gabrijelčič Mojca, Česnik Katarina, Cotič Nastja, Volmut Tadeja. Ur. 2023. Vzgoja in izobraževanje v času covida-19. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 439
Kako predmet Metode dela s slepimi in slabovidnimi približati študentom

tegije učenja in poučevanja, ur. V. Medved Udovič, M. Cotič in M. Cenčič,
170–182. Koper: Pedagoška fakulteta.
Trundle, K. C. 2014. »Teaching Young Children Science.« V Contemporary Per-
spectives and Research on Early Childhood Education, ur. M. Yasar, O. Ozgun
in J. Galbraith, 126–134. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
»Učni načrt predmeta Metode dela s slepimi in slabovidnimi.« 2020/2021. V UP
PEF Študijski program 2. stopnje Inkluzivna pedagogika – učni načrti veljavni
od vpisa v 1. letnik od študijskega leta 2020/2021 dalje, 24–29. Koper: Univerza
na Primorskem, Pedagoška fakulteta.
Zavod Republike Slovenije za šolstvo. 2022. Smernice za izvajanje izobraževa-
nja na daljavo za vzgojno-izobraževalne zavode na področju osnovnega in
srednjega šolstva. Ljubljana: Zavod Republike Slovenije za šolstvo.

How to Approach the Subject ‘Method of Working with the Blind
and Partially Sighted’ with Students When Studying Remotely?
The COVID-19 pandemic has practically become our new reality overnight. This
required adjustments in all areas of life, including study. In implementing the
subject ‘Method of Working with the Blind and Partially Sighted’ in higher ed-
ucation, we encountered several challenges in getting the content as close as
possible to students in a new situation, since the subject is designed practi-
cally, to a large extent, as experiential learning. During online education, we
regularly used the online classrooms and the ZOOM videoconference system
by working with breakout rooms, we used videos for a more illustratable ex-
planation, students performed practical tasks independently in their home
and produced videos with the required orientation and mobility tasks, they
made their own simulation glasses and we also developed a new technique for
learning braille, which included BrailleSlo 6Dot and braille writing on house-
hold aluminium foil. The approaches we introduced in the distance study were
evaluated by analysing student reports. We found that most of the content of
the expanded curriculum for the blind and partially sighted can be presented
in a form that is understandable to students, but all content (e.g. simulation
of walking with a white cane, writing braille on a braille machine) cannot be
displayed equally in an online setting due to the inaccessibility of the devices
Keywords: pedagogical process, pandemic, changed methods and forms of
work, experiential learning, blind and partially sighted

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