Page 168 - Kroflič, R., S. Rutar in B. Borota, ur. 2022. Umetnost v vzgoji v vrtcih in šolah: projekt SKUM. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 168
ja Bednarik Sudec

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The Artist and the Artistic Experience: Learning about the Laws
of Painting through Creating, Co-Creating, Recreating and Art Mediation
The article points out theoretical grounds and the artist’s role in entering a
pedagogical space while working with kids as well as cooperating with pro-
fessionals. It is represented as a concept of teaching with the use of artistic
practices, advocated by Herbert Read, who said that art must be a basis for ed-
ucation. In this regard, he does not refer to artistic or fine art education in a
narrow sense, but strives for an ‘integral’ concept of education, where the aes-
thetic education equals the intellectual one. Research and experimenting with

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