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P. 41
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The First Steps into the World of Literacy and Lifelong Learning Happen
in the Family
Less educated parents of children in the early years of schooling who scored
low in the PIAAC 2016 survey on the text skills that are the foundation for pro-
moting literacy and learning in the family are in a particularly difficult position
when it comes to issues of literacy development in the family. We hypothe-
sise that they are hindered in their efforts to nurture family literacy because of
two essential key factors: social disadvantage and weak foundational skills. In
this paper, we present selected data from a study that examined parents’ per-
formance in the 2016 PIAAC Adult Skills Survey. The paper also aims to draw
attention to the social context of social vulnerability and the role of education
in a knowledge society, where education is not just a meritocratic principle
to gain status, but determines inclusion and exclusion from society. We use
the term ‘family literacy’ to refer to literacy beliefs and practices among family
members and the intergenerational transmission of literacy to children. When

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