Page 55 - Lepičnik Vodopivec Jurka, Mezgec Maja. Ur. 2023. Vseživljenjsko učenje odraslih za trajnostni razvoj in digitalni preboj. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 55
Nekateri dejavniki raznolikosti vseživljenjskega učenja v slovenskih regijah

položljivih od 2009 do 2018. Kratke analize. Ljubljana: Urad za makroeko-
nomske analize in razvoj.
Urad republike Slovenije za makroekonomske analize in razvoj. 2020. Poročilo
o razvoju 2020. Ur. R. Kmet Zupanič. Ljubljana: Urad republike Slovenije za
makroekonomske analize in razvoj.
———. 2021. Poročilo o razvoju 2021. Ur. R. Kmet Zupanič. Ljubljana: Urad repu-
blike Slovenije za makroekonomske analize in razvoj.
Vidmar, T. 1995. »Ideja permanentnega izobraževanja pri J. A. Komenskem v
delu Pampedija.« Andragoška spoznanja 1 (1–2): 48–52.

Some Factors of Diversity of Lifelong Learning in Slovenian Regions
Regional disparities at the level of both cohesion and statistical regions are
gradually increasing, as less developed regions find it difficult to outperform
more developed ones, while more developed regions recover faster after each
crisis (Pečar 2020, Kmet Zupančič 2020). Timely adaptation and strengthening
of the relevant skills of the population is particularly important. We start from
the assumption that all adults should have developed, at least to some extent,
the basic skills or competences they need to engage in a wide range of possible
forms of education and training in their immediate and wider local contexts.
Lifelong learning has been defined as learning that encompasses all types of
learning, from early childhood to the end of life, aimed at both the acquisition
of an education or qualification and at personal development, active citizen-
ship and enhancing quality of life. We looked at the conditions under which
informal forms of lifelong learning would better develop in the regions to con-
tribute most to digital breakthroughs, and focused on problem-solving skills in
technology-rich environments, which in Slovenia are most influenced by two
socio-economic factors: age and education.
Keywords: regions, skills, lifelong learning

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