Page 88 - Lepičnik Vodopivec Jurka, Mezgec Maja. Ur. 2023. Vseživljenjsko učenje odraslih za trajnostni razvoj in digitalni preboj. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 88
entina Franca

list Republike Slovenije, št. 24.
Zakon o sodelovanju delavcev pri upravljanju (ZSDU-UPB1). 2007. Uradni list Re-
publike Slovenije, št. 42.
Zakon o urejanju trga dela (ZUTD). 2010. Uradni list Republike Slovenije, št. 80.

Legal Aspects of Education and Training of Workers:
Current Situation and Future Perspectives
Education and training related to employment is one of the fundamental rights
of workers, recognized by both international and national legal sources. Its im-
plementation must ensure both employment and employability, which is all
the more important at a time of rapid technological development and other
social changes. The results of two focus groups among workers’ representa-
tives indicate a still worrying situation in practice, with many perceived obsta-
cles on the part of both workers and employers. To increase participation in
education and training, more energy needs to be put into building a culture of
knowledge, using best practices, and raising awareness of the need to acquire
new knowledge and skills. The state also has an important role to play here,
which can also create incentive measures for the labour market with the help
of social dialogue.
Keywords: employment relationship, education, training, collective agreement,
trade unions

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