Page 505 - Istenič Andreja, Gačnik Mateja, Horvat Barbara, Kukanja Gabrijelčič Mojca, Kiswarday Vanja Riccarda, Lebeničnik Maja, Mezgec Maja, Volk Marina. Ur. 2023. Vzgoja in izobraževanje med preteklostjo in prihodnostjo. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 505
Primerjava dveh predšolskih programov
Baroody, A. J., M. L. Lai in K. S. Mix. 2006. »The Development of Young Chil-
dren’s Number and Operation Sense and Its Implications for Early Child-
hood Education.« In Handbook of Research on the Education of Young Chil-
dren, ur. B. Spodek in O. Saracho, 187–221. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Bassok, D., in S. Latham. 2014. »Panel Paper: Kids Today; Changes in School Re-
adiness in an Early Childhood Era.« Prispevek predstavljen na konferenci
Global Challenges, New Perspectives, Albuquerque, NM, 6.–8. november.
Batistič Zorec, M. 2003. Razvojna psihologija in vzgoja v vrtcih. Ljubljana: Inštitut
za psihologijo osebnosti.
Berčnik, S., in T. Devjak. 2015. »Aktivno vključevanje staršev v vzgojni proces
v vrtcu.« V Vpliv družbenih sprememb na vzgojo in izobraževanje, uredila T.
Devjak, 79. Ljubljana: Pedagoška fakulteta.
Björklund, C., in N. Pramling. 2017. »Discerning and Supporting the Develop-
ment of Mathematical Fundamentals in Early Years.« V Engaging Families
as Children’s First Mathematics Educators: International Perspectives, ur. S.
Phillipson, A. Gervasoni in P. Sullivan, 65–80. Singapore: Springer.
Björklund, C., M. van den Heuvel-Panhuizen in A. Kullberg. 2020. »Research on
Early Childhood Mathematics Teaching and Learning.« ZDM – Mathema-
tics Education 52 (2): 607–619.
Blevins-Knabe, B., in A. M. Berghout Austin. 2016. Early Childhood Mathematical
Skill Development in the Home Environment. Berlin: Springer.
Brenner, M. E. 1998. »Adding Cognition to the Formula for Culturally Relevant
Instruction in Mathematics.« Anthropology and Education Quarterly 29 (2):
Bronfenbrenner, U. 1986. »Ecology of the Family as a Context for Human De-
velopment: Research Perspectives.« Developmental Psychology 22 (6): 723–
Butterworth, B. 2005. »The Development of Arithmetical Abilities.« Journal of
Child Psychology and Psychiatry 46 (1): 3–18.
Cheung, S. K., K. M. Dulay, X. Yang, F. Mohseni in C. McBride. 2021. »Home Li-
teracy and Numeracy Environments in Asia.« Frontiers in Psychology 12. ht-
Civil, M., C. Guevara in M. Allexsaht-Snider. 2002. »Mathematics for Parents: Fa-
cilitating Parents’ and Children’s Understanding in Mathematics.« Prispe-
vek predstvaljen na 24th Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter
of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education,
Athens, GA, 26.–29. oktober.
Claessens, A., G. Duncan in M. Engel. 2009. »Kindergarten Skills and Fifth-Grade
Achievement: Evidence from the ECLS-K.« Economics of Education Review
28 (4): 415–427.
Claessens, A., in M. Engel. 2013. »How Important Is Where You Start? Early Ma-
Baroody, A. J., M. L. Lai in K. S. Mix. 2006. »The Development of Young Chil-
dren’s Number and Operation Sense and Its Implications for Early Child-
hood Education.« In Handbook of Research on the Education of Young Chil-
dren, ur. B. Spodek in O. Saracho, 187–221. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Bassok, D., in S. Latham. 2014. »Panel Paper: Kids Today; Changes in School Re-
adiness in an Early Childhood Era.« Prispevek predstavljen na konferenci
Global Challenges, New Perspectives, Albuquerque, NM, 6.–8. november.
Batistič Zorec, M. 2003. Razvojna psihologija in vzgoja v vrtcih. Ljubljana: Inštitut
za psihologijo osebnosti.
Berčnik, S., in T. Devjak. 2015. »Aktivno vključevanje staršev v vzgojni proces
v vrtcu.« V Vpliv družbenih sprememb na vzgojo in izobraževanje, uredila T.
Devjak, 79. Ljubljana: Pedagoška fakulteta.
Björklund, C., in N. Pramling. 2017. »Discerning and Supporting the Develop-
ment of Mathematical Fundamentals in Early Years.« V Engaging Families
as Children’s First Mathematics Educators: International Perspectives, ur. S.
Phillipson, A. Gervasoni in P. Sullivan, 65–80. Singapore: Springer.
Björklund, C., M. van den Heuvel-Panhuizen in A. Kullberg. 2020. »Research on
Early Childhood Mathematics Teaching and Learning.« ZDM – Mathema-
tics Education 52 (2): 607–619.
Blevins-Knabe, B., in A. M. Berghout Austin. 2016. Early Childhood Mathematical
Skill Development in the Home Environment. Berlin: Springer.
Brenner, M. E. 1998. »Adding Cognition to the Formula for Culturally Relevant
Instruction in Mathematics.« Anthropology and Education Quarterly 29 (2):
Bronfenbrenner, U. 1986. »Ecology of the Family as a Context for Human De-
velopment: Research Perspectives.« Developmental Psychology 22 (6): 723–
Butterworth, B. 2005. »The Development of Arithmetical Abilities.« Journal of
Child Psychology and Psychiatry 46 (1): 3–18.
Cheung, S. K., K. M. Dulay, X. Yang, F. Mohseni in C. McBride. 2021. »Home Li-
teracy and Numeracy Environments in Asia.« Frontiers in Psychology 12. ht-
Civil, M., C. Guevara in M. Allexsaht-Snider. 2002. »Mathematics for Parents: Fa-
cilitating Parents’ and Children’s Understanding in Mathematics.« Prispe-
vek predstvaljen na 24th Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter
of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education,
Athens, GA, 26.–29. oktober.
Claessens, A., G. Duncan in M. Engel. 2009. »Kindergarten Skills and Fifth-Grade
Achievement: Evidence from the ECLS-K.« Economics of Education Review
28 (4): 415–427.
Claessens, A., in M. Engel. 2013. »How Important Is Where You Start? Early Ma-