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A Comparison of Two Preschool Programmes in the Context of Early
Mathematics Learning and Cooperation with Parents
The paper compares the areas of early mathematics learning and coopera-
tion with the elderly in two documents, namely the Educational Programme
for the Education and Care of Preschool Children (1979) and the Kindergarten
Curriculum (1999), explains the importance of the cooperation of preschool
education professionals and presents why researchers study the importance
of early learning. The main finding of the comparison of the two documents, is
that the Kindergarten Curriculum (1999) includes more mathematical content
in the goals, which are in line with the latest research on the understanding of
mathematical reasoning and abilities of preschool children, so it also includes
goals and activities. The principle is also included cooperation with the par-
ents, which enables a partnership between professionals and the elderly and
Keywords: early learning of mathematics, cooperation with parents, curriculum
for kindergartens, educational programme for preschool education

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