Page 526 - Istenič Andreja, Gačnik Mateja, Horvat Barbara, Kukanja Gabrijelčič Mojca, Kiswarday Vanja Riccarda, Lebeničnik Maja, Mezgec Maja, Volk Marina. Ur. 2023. Vzgoja in izobraževanje med preteklostjo in prihodnostjo. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 526
a Zurc in Anuška Ferligoj
Creswell, J. W., V. L. Plano Clark in A. L. Garret. 2008. »Methodological Issues in
Conducting Mixed Methods Research Designs.« V Advances in Mixed Me-
thods Research: Theories and Applications, uredil M. M. Bergman, 66–83.
London: Sage.
Curtis, R. S., K. Rabren in A. Reilly. 2009. »Post-School Outcomes of Students
with Disabilities: A Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis.« Journal of Voca-
tional Rehabilitation 30 (1): 31–48.
Fàbregues, S. F., in J. F. Molina-Azorin. 2017. »Addressing Quality in Mixed Me-
thods Research: A Review and Recommendations for a Future Agenda.«
Quality and Quantity 51 (6): 2847–2863.
Ferligoj, A. 1989. Razvrščanje v skupine: teorija in uporaba v družboslovju. Ljub-
ljana: Fakulteta za sociologijo, politične vede in novinarstvo, Raziskovalni
Fetters, M. D. 2016. »‘Haven’t We Always Been Doing Mixed Methods Research?’
Lessons Learned from the Development of the Horseless Carriage.« Jour-
nal of Mixed Methods Research 10 (1): 3–11.
Gorard, S., in C. Taylor. 2004. Combining Methods in Educational and Social Re-
search. New York: Open University Press.
Guetterman, T. C. 2017. »What Distinguishes a Novice from an Expert Mixed Me-
thods Researcher?« Quality and Quantity 51 (1): 377–398.
Hammersley, M. 2008. »Troubles with Triangulation.« V Advances in Mixed Me-
thods Research: Theories and Applications, uredil M. M. Bergman, 22–36.
London: Sage.
Hopson, L. M., in L. K. H. Steiker. 2008. »Methodology for Evaluating an Adap-
tation of Evidence-Based Drug Abuse Prevention in Alternative Schools.«
Children and Schools 30 (2): 116–127.
Johnson, B. R., in A. J. Onwuegbuzie. 2004. »Mixed Methods Research: A Rese-
arch Paradigm Whose Time Has Come.« Educational Researcher 33 (7): 14–
Johnson, R. E., A. L. Grove in A. Clarke. 2019. »Pillar Integration Process: A Joint
Display Technique to Integrate Data in Mixed Methods Research.« Journal
of Mixed Methods Research 13 (3): 301–320.
Koller, M., in E. Sinitsa. 2009. »Mixed Methods in Online Research: Conceptuali-
sation and Future Research Agenda.« V 11th General Online Research Confe-
rence GOR 09: Proceedings, uredili M. Welker, H. Geißler, L. Kaczmirek in O.
Wenzel, 88–89. Dunaj: Dt. Ges. für Online-Forschung.
Košmerl, T. 2021. »Kombinirani raziskovalni pristopi kot način združevanja kva-
litativnih in kvantitativnih metod.« Sodobna pedagogika 72 (1): 88–107.
Lobe, B., in V. Vehovar. 2009. »Towards a Flexible Online Mixed Method Design
with a Feedback Loop.« Quality and Quantity 43 (4): 585–597.
Niglas, K. 2010. »The Multidimensional Model of Research Methodology: An In-
tegrated Set of Continua.« V Handbook of Mixed Methods Research in Social
Creswell, J. W., V. L. Plano Clark in A. L. Garret. 2008. »Methodological Issues in
Conducting Mixed Methods Research Designs.« V Advances in Mixed Me-
thods Research: Theories and Applications, uredil M. M. Bergman, 66–83.
London: Sage.
Curtis, R. S., K. Rabren in A. Reilly. 2009. »Post-School Outcomes of Students
with Disabilities: A Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis.« Journal of Voca-
tional Rehabilitation 30 (1): 31–48.
Fàbregues, S. F., in J. F. Molina-Azorin. 2017. »Addressing Quality in Mixed Me-
thods Research: A Review and Recommendations for a Future Agenda.«
Quality and Quantity 51 (6): 2847–2863.
Ferligoj, A. 1989. Razvrščanje v skupine: teorija in uporaba v družboslovju. Ljub-
ljana: Fakulteta za sociologijo, politične vede in novinarstvo, Raziskovalni
Fetters, M. D. 2016. »‘Haven’t We Always Been Doing Mixed Methods Research?’
Lessons Learned from the Development of the Horseless Carriage.« Jour-
nal of Mixed Methods Research 10 (1): 3–11.
Gorard, S., in C. Taylor. 2004. Combining Methods in Educational and Social Re-
search. New York: Open University Press.
Guetterman, T. C. 2017. »What Distinguishes a Novice from an Expert Mixed Me-
thods Researcher?« Quality and Quantity 51 (1): 377–398.
Hammersley, M. 2008. »Troubles with Triangulation.« V Advances in Mixed Me-
thods Research: Theories and Applications, uredil M. M. Bergman, 22–36.
London: Sage.
Hopson, L. M., in L. K. H. Steiker. 2008. »Methodology for Evaluating an Adap-
tation of Evidence-Based Drug Abuse Prevention in Alternative Schools.«
Children and Schools 30 (2): 116–127.
Johnson, B. R., in A. J. Onwuegbuzie. 2004. »Mixed Methods Research: A Rese-
arch Paradigm Whose Time Has Come.« Educational Researcher 33 (7): 14–
Johnson, R. E., A. L. Grove in A. Clarke. 2019. »Pillar Integration Process: A Joint
Display Technique to Integrate Data in Mixed Methods Research.« Journal
of Mixed Methods Research 13 (3): 301–320.
Koller, M., in E. Sinitsa. 2009. »Mixed Methods in Online Research: Conceptuali-
sation and Future Research Agenda.« V 11th General Online Research Confe-
rence GOR 09: Proceedings, uredili M. Welker, H. Geißler, L. Kaczmirek in O.
Wenzel, 88–89. Dunaj: Dt. Ges. für Online-Forschung.
Košmerl, T. 2021. »Kombinirani raziskovalni pristopi kot način združevanja kva-
litativnih in kvantitativnih metod.« Sodobna pedagogika 72 (1): 88–107.
Lobe, B., in V. Vehovar. 2009. »Towards a Flexible Online Mixed Method Design
with a Feedback Loop.« Quality and Quantity 43 (4): 585–597.
Niglas, K. 2010. »The Multidimensional Model of Research Methodology: An In-
tegrated Set of Continua.« V Handbook of Mixed Methods Research in Social